Your current in game name: my current ingame name is at the moment boembaboem ive also played under the name pim2001
Do you have Skype? (Yes or no only; we have an arch chat to discuss projects and builds as a team): yes
Which of your creative plots would you like to submit? (Example, you have 5 plots but you think your 3rd is the best. You get there with /plot home:3): /plot home 7 there 2 buildings 1 for an police officer he wanted a straight lined modern mansion and the other house needed to look good for sales and look bigger then it is modern style with 3 floors ( the rest of my plot homes are not always filled)
Do you prefer interior or exterior design?: i prefer doing exterior design of houses i like to do evrey style im trying out as much as i can to learn new things. ive done modern in 3 types really basic straight lines and house ish modern. ive done a mideval as well
How much time do you tend to build each week?: Im building a house a day so that would be at least 2 hours a day if the house is small i might do 2 but at least a house a day. (i have also an Rocket League E-sports team thats why the 1 house a day
about me : im boembaboem im 16 years old i like to build in evrey style possibleand i would love to become arch
Your current in game name: my current ingame name is at the moment boembaboem ive also played under the name pim2001
Do you have Skype? (Yes or no only; we have an arch chat to discuss projects and builds as a team): yes
Which of your creative plots would you like to submit? (Example, you have 5 plots but you think your 3rd is the best. You get there with /plot home:3): /plot home 7 there 2 buildings 1 for an police officer he wanted a straight lined modern mansion and the other house needed to look good for sales and look bigger then it is modern style with 3 floors ( the rest of my plot homes are not always filled)
Do you prefer interior or exterior design?: i prefer doing exterior design of houses i like to do evrey style im trying out as much as i can to learn new things. ive done modern in 3 types really basic straight lines and house ish modern. ive done a mideval as well
How much time do you tend to build each week?: Im building a house a day so that would be at least 2 hours a day if the house is small i might do 2 but at least a house a day. (i have also an Rocket League E-sports team thats why the 1 house a day
about me : im boembaboem im 16 years old i like to build in evrey style possibleand i would love to become arch