Best Suggestions of 2018ish


Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Oct 14, 2017
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Dear players of Cities, we as a community have come up with many original ideas to make the server better or more fun.
Sadly sometimes these ideas get forgotten, there is no work put into them or they are simply ignored. That is why I have mad a list of good suggestions over time with a little explaination. Staff can pick the suggestions they like and checklist them.
You are allowed to add on your own suggestions, be sure to make them in the same format.
These are suggestion seen on the server before, they have been discussed before too. This post is only for staff to decide wich ones can actually be implemented. Be sure to comment wich ones you really want added too! But we shall not discuss them here! :D

The Following events have been suggested:
-Themepark Fun, maybe working, some not working attractions to visit
Punchout Ring in the water, last man standing wins. Goal is to punch each other off the arena.
-Pvp Tournaments Like the name says....
-Zombie Appocalypse There actually many plugins for this already made, some even work with worldguard. With a bit of work they can spawn on cayman and make suvirval a bit more fun even in our safe city. New players could have nooby protection for damage and also be informed in /warp turorial. This is a long lasting event, more details just msg me on disc.
Army Base Recently been talked about, Military base, guns get a little buff and the war with the Skeletons begins! all at /warp army! :D
-Superhero Event! All details were send to Coban directly, due to this one actually having a chance of being added. Staff can just msg him ;) it works with the new criminal nobel roles!
Hide and seek, cops and robbers, Murder mystery. Multiple names, same goal. HIDE! RUN!
City Parades Suggested by Leanne herself, never added tho. Would be really cool for a building competition to make lovely carts for the parade then they are transfered over to /warp city :D
-Bounce, a trampoline park! Just some redstone and slimeblocks! Just a new fun warp, maybe some eggs too there :D
-Robinsons island an island with 15 players, where they have to do basic survival, they would have to record what they do and staff would make short compilation of funny moments. It would be for 1 full week or maybe 2. Goal is to survive. Without acces to gold or diamonds, only coal and iron sometimes. Mostly wood, food and stone are the keys to survival.
-Animal races Not as harmfull as it sounds xD Pigrace for example, in a parcour!
Disasters! Metorites, vulcanoes, thunderstrikes, floods. yes, many downsides.
-The floor is LAVA! Just like the hype, would be a staffhosted event. DIRT IS LAVA! LITERALLY!

Those are most of the event ideas I could find on posts. It was a search (and 30% of these ideas are mine xD #ego)

Gameplay changes
Changes to the server to improve gameplay, like set events (if it's every day or every week, it is a gameplay change)

-Friday Night Talkshows Every 2 weeks, interviews of players, staff, etc. You could apply to be interviewed. Staff could give updates etc. Would be in a tv studio.
-Get to the point Every hour, cords get shared in the chat, only with a minimum of 20 players online. You would have to find a hidden chest in cities and if you rightclick it you get 20k. Cops are allowed to protect the chests. Sort of like a cobs and robbers event, but then more frequently. Instead of the broken bankrobbing.
-Trivia! Just like /reactions. But only every 30m, a random question that you have to awnsers, common knowledge etc.

-Buff guns! No more arrows! Real bullets! More damage! Higher gun prices! Gun pvp is awesome!
-New drug recipes hidden accros cities!
-Nerf Miner, With fortune 5 it's too OP. Lower sell prices in the shop for miner.
-Motivate player to player trades
-/as info reselling resetting every 10 days. after your house being /as reselling for 10 days it goes back into sold mode. Unless the 60 days timer went off.

-Force archs to lower their prices, They have the best monopoly on the server
-Add new survival addons, similar to slimefun. New crafteble items to be sold by companies only, to reward companies. Would also require some work ofc. Think about it
-Police bails go up for: Drugs and kills.
-Criminals lose their -minus rep when they get caught, as you arn't a good criminal if you get caught by the police. Nobels lose rep, Criminals gain one. so they both go to 0.
-You can gain reputation by helping randomly spawning NPC's around warps, they would spawn every 20m and say the following: 'help me! I'm at (warp)' Shared with coban too btw

-Soccer and Boxing plugins (Msg me I can send the link again, but I shared it on the forums before)

These are some simple gameplay changes, I ask for many many more! Gameplay should be up to date! Always!

Economy ChangesI
I know how much staff doesn't like to interviene with the economy, but really? Inflation is worse every single day....

-Nerf miner. I said this before? Oh well, never enough
-Flex Economy, meaning shop prices change every month or so. Certain mob drops get worth more but if it's overused it gets nerfed again. With changing shop prices people have to change their income tactics. Player to player trades are the only stable source of income. More explanation needed ofc, just hit me up on disc ;)
-Region more islands, every 6 months only. Don't flood the server ofc. But islands are worth too much at this point, and the demand is really high. Just region 3 more islands the comming year/s and we will be fine ;) (Not biased, even tho it looks like it)

-Unregion old ugly and small houses in city and region new ones, change the market!
-Higher food prices, food should be a source of income! Yes it should....

And the big economic changes:
-A /warp shop for Millionairs! Only selling items, items needed for advanced slimefun. Hard to get survival items, collectables, like the sci-fi boxes admin items. (Would be more exspencive then their worth) This shop would be rewarding for rich players, and also take money out of the economy! :D Great idea right?
-Region more 'rare' regions. I'm talking, castles, Yachts, Mountainmansions. Old players have a huge advantage, these yachts, mountainmansion etc got worth a hella lot thanks to inflation and some are worth 1/4 of an actual island. INSANE. I'm not saying give everyone a yacht etc. Simply auction 2 or 3 rare plots at one time. Do this 2 more times and their worth already dropped a bit as demand is lowerd and supply is higherd.

My lord, I'm tired of typing all of this. took me a full hour... searching and typing. But this is mainly it. I didn't check grammar or spelling as I'm dead inside. Have fun tho!

Give your own ideas! Same format! Don't discuss ideas here! It's only for staff to see suggestions and choose the good ones!
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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2017
Themepark (i guess if the attractions are actually moving and doesnt end up being a dead /warp)

Punchout ring, uh why? Its more of a minigame, I mean you could easily do that on any plot tho, just fill your basement with water.

Pvp tournaments, I guess I mean some 2 hours pvps surely will be amusing

Zombie Apocalypse, this has been denied before, mccities is a city server not a zombie survival one.

Army Base, basically a skeleton apocalypse and apparently give players some guns to shoot them? Uhh refrence to the zombie apocalypse comment

Superhero event? What?

Hide and Seek, you can do that one your own plot (its basically another minigame)

City parades, would likely require a plugin or something that moves an actual vehicle around city.

Trampoline Park, refrence to Theme Park just combine it, instead of multiple smaller warps. I dont get why you need redstone for a trampoline but sticky pistons/ pistons cant push slime blocks in mccities.

Robinsons island, sounds fun but confusing. (Mini game like but could possibly work I guess)

Animal Races, they all go at the same speed (same animal goes at the same speed of the other) i dont see the point.

Disasters would be fun but it will cause extreme lag

The floor is lava? Wth, so literally just burn everyone, the only people not burning is the people with /fly.

Talkshow, could possibly work if staff isnt always busy

Get to the Point, what if no cops are online second its sort of easy to get to the point just go invis or use slimeboots or something, we dont have telekinesis to touch like 5 players running at the same time.and the stronger player would likely just kill all the newbies who try to get it

Trivia, (should be one word answers) pretty nice maybe not only hover it could interchange from a trivia/unscramble the words/ hover for the word to type

Buff guns sure but make sure talismans arent completely useless, cause talismans dont block gauss shots

New Drugs, yeah that would be good I guess if staff doesnt leak it before ppl find it

Nerf Mining, just take away /warp mine, nerfing shop prices for it isnt really gonna do much as that means your also nerfing hover for the word to type diamond prize. Shop prices isnt the problem, /warp mine is, its regen should be either slowed down or make it more hassle for players to easily earn money of it by either taking off keep inv or have a chance of an earthquake that kills the players and drops all their ores and the mine is shut down for 30mins, just to make it realistic

Well duh, staff want more player interaction then relying everything on warp shop

/as info reselling, there being a lot of plots there isnt the problem, there are a lot of cheap ones selling or reasonably priced ones for current pricing standards people don’t want to buy small houses nor do businesses or firms as its waste of space. And newer players get discouraged of how long they will take before they can get one.

You cant force archs to lower their prices, thats like saying telling an airline to lower their prices cause its too expensive, that will only lead the, to giving you worst service or they wont build to their top potential.

Survival addons, eh nah we tried that before when nibble gave companies the monooloy of smart watches, it didnt last long till people scammed each other and people stopped using it. Giving a monopoly should never be an option.

Increase police bails or time in jail, getting jailed is not something to be ‘scared of’

Indeed jazz, people who take the criminal role can easily get themselves purposely jailed to lower their rep and in turn get hiher rep power, maybe not reset to 0 but it should deduct their rep atleast

Uhh have we become desprate for rep that we need to start interacting with beings that dont even exist irs bad enough were socializing using a game what more with non existent beings

Soccer and boxing, ok wth clearly its impossible to kick or throw properly so soccer wnd basketball wont ever work in minecraft unless you copy mineplex’s slime soccer. Boxing is literally punching each other.

Just delete warp mine

Yep, that way people actually save up their resources so when a high demand comes up they take advantage.

Region islands, eh. That just feeds player demand that isnt really a reasonable option. Why not region cities and sell them out so players can feel a sense of authorithy and not go power hungry for island hunting. That way private islands are kept valuable, the next closest thing would be huge mansions like how public islands the next closest thing would be a public city. It brings in competition to make a city better than the other. The goal should be focused on cities not islands, after all its mccities not a pirate server

Sort of hassle to unregion and region, maybe staff could buy back plots but it will be for really low i guess
You cant influence food prices since people will resort to making their own or people will end up lowering it themselves like how slimefun was broken down.

Warp shop for millionares yeah, no millionares isnt even something rare its so easy to get it makes it a joke for players who reach 1.2mil like theyre part of the richest people on mccities when almost everyone even idiots become millionaires. More player to player interaction, make stuff for advanced sf harder to get so sf becomes worth more. Hard to get survival items like nether stars wither skulls, people should earn that not make an unlimited supply place. Admin items arent meant for selling theyre collectibles. The sci fi boxes are barely even considerd admin items since there are too much of its copy.

Old players dont have an advantage, if you think it that way then your saying we didnt have a disadvantage from the previous generation of players. We were just smarter and faster to get it before it became a hit. I guess so regioning more wouldnt be so bad. But like islands regioning some could affect the current owners of those rare plots value.

Done commenting with every suggestion you made, some were pretty pointless, i like how its called the best ideas of 2018
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Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Oct 14, 2017
Google maps
Loool when you say: dont comment or discuss them here

Also title came before the thing came. Its kinda pun.

And jesus they call me negative god forsaken
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Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Oct 14, 2017
Google maps
Themepark (i guess if the attractions are actually moving and doesnt end up being a dead /warp)

Punchout ring, uh why? Its more of a minigame, I mean you could easily do that on any plot tho, just fill your basement with water.

Pvp tournaments, I guess I mean some 2 hours pvps surely will be amusing

Zombie Apocalypse, this has been denied before, mccities is a city server not a zombie survival one.

Army Base, basically a skeleton apocalypse and apparently give players some guns to shoot them? Uhh refrence to the zombie apocalypse comment

Superhero event? What?

Hide and Seek, you can do that one your own plot (its basically another minigame)

City parades, would likely require a plugin or something that moves an actual vehicle around city.

Trampoline Park, refrence to Theme Park just combine it, instead of multiple smaller warps. I dont get why you need redstone for a trampoline but sticky pistons/ pistons cant push slime blocks in mccities.

Robinsons island, sounds fun but confusing. (Mini game like but could possibly work I guess)

Animal Races, they all go at the same speed (same animal goes at the same speed of the other) i dont see the point.

Disasters would be fun but it will cause extreme lag

The floor is lava? Wth, so literally just burn everyone, the only people not burning is the people with /fly.

Talkshow, could possibly work if staff isnt always busy

Get to the Point, what if no cops are online second its sort of easy to get to the point just go invis or use slimeboots or something, we dont have telekinesis to touch like 5 players running at the same time.and the stronger player would likely just kill all the newbies who try to get it

Trivia, (should be one word answers) pretty nice maybe not only hover it could interchange from a trivia/unscramble the words/ hover for the word to type

Buff guns sure but make sure talismans arent completely useless, cause talismans dont block gauss shots

New Drugs, yeah that would be good I guess if staff doesnt leak it before ppl find it

Nerf Mining, just take away /warp mine, nerfing shop prices for it isnt really gonna do much as that means your also nerfing hover for the word to type diamond prize. Shop prices isnt the problem, /warp mine is, its regen should be either slowed down or make it more hassle for players to easily earn money of it by either taking off keep inv or have a chance of an earthquake that kills the players and drops all their ores and the mine is shut down for 30mins, just to make it realistic

Well duh, staff want more player interaction then relying everything on warp shop

/as info reselling, there being a lot of plots there isnt the problem, there are a lot of cheap ones selling or reasonably priced ones for current pricing standards people don’t want to buy small houses nor do businesses or firms as its waste of space. And newer players get discouraged of how long they will take before they can get one.

You cant force archs to lower their prices, thats like saying telling an airline to lower their prices cause its too expensive, that will only lead the, to giving you worst service or they wont build to their top potential.

Survival addons, eh nah we tried that before when nibble gave companies the monooloy of smart watches, it didnt last long till people scammed each other and people stopped using it. Giving a monopoly should never be an option.

Increase police bails or time in jail, getting jailed is not something to be ‘scared of’

Indeed jazz, people who take the criminal role can easily get themselves purposely jailed to lower their rep and in turn get hiher rep power, maybe not reset to 0 but it should deduct their rep atleast

Uhh have we become desprate for rep that we need to start interacting with beings that dont even exist irs bad enough were socializing using a game what more with non existent beings

Soccer and boxing, ok wth clearly its impossible to kick or throw properly so soccer wnd basketball wont ever work in minecraft unless you copy mineplex’s slime soccer. Boxing is literally punching each other.

Just delete warp mine

Yep, that way people actually save up their resources so when a high demand comes up they take advantage.

Region islands, eh. That just feeds player demand that isnt really a reasonable option. Why not region cities and sell them out so players can feel a sense of authorithy and not go power hungry for island hunting. That way private islands are kept valuable, the next closest thing would be huge mansions like how public islands the next closest thing would be a public city. It brings in competition to make a city better than the other. The goal should be focused on cities not islands, after all its mccities not a pirate server

Sort of hassle to unregion and region, maybe staff could buy back plots but it will be for really low i guess
You cant influence food prices since people will resort to making their own or people will end up lowering it themselves like how slimefun was broken down.

Warp shop for millionares yeah, no millionares isnt even something rare its so easy to get it makes it a joke for players who reach 1.2mil like theyre part of the richest people on mccities when almost everyone even idiots become millionaires. More player to player interaction, make stuff for advanced sf harder to get so sf becomes worth more. Hard to get survival items like nether stars wither skulls, people should earn that not make an unlimited supply place. Admin items arent meant for selling theyre collectibles. The sci fi boxes are barely even considerd admin items since there are too much of its copy.

Old players dont have an advantage, if you think it that way then your saying we didnt have a disadvantage from the previous generation of players. We were just smarter and faster to get it before it became a hit. I guess so regioning more wouldnt be so bad. But like islands regioning some could affect the current owners of those rare plots value.

Done commenting with every suggestion you made, some were pretty pointless, i like how its called the best ideas of 2018
Oke so it's mostly negative, wich I always love <3 But here is why I don't agree with your lovely and useless systematic breakdown of my ideas

You didn't even try to add 1 sort of suggestion to the list. It's literally the only thing I asked for, add more stuff. I never asked for 'feedback'
These ideas arn't all mine, I chose the ones I felt had a oppertunity or something postive, even tho I also clearly read that Nibble doesn't want forced plugins.

You have no drop of creativity.... Like really. You are saying: "people can easily kill skeletons with their GodLIke armour" eehm.... yes? But then we forbid usage for armour? "But how, people arn't obligated" thats the whole point, force them to use kits....

Also yes, you did 'approve' some ideas, but again, I didn't ask for any of that.
Read next time, or just don't ignore me saying I don't need feedback or discussions.

also, context? Explaination? If staff is like, hey that sounds interesting, they say that here and I give a full explaination, or it inspires them to make up something themselfs.... I said: In short. Meaning, there will be some flaws in the suggestions. Nothing wrong with that?

Bout soccer and boxing:

@Coban @nibble @MehLife @sundae22 (Dev, Owner, Community, Jr admin)

Don't comment on or about the ideas, only give more suggestions please, I want to prevent more discussions and debates, You are allowed to say wich ones you like, as that helps staff select more easily, I'm not forcing any of these. Just suggesting them. Keep that in mind.

Thanks you,
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Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Mar 22, 2017
Sundae and I are currently working on a new arena, so pvp battles may be introduced (ofc idk tho Bc I'm no longer staff)
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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2017
Jazz you might as well delete this thread if your telling us not to comment, this is an open forrums not an anouncement corner or forward this to the staff themselves. Im giving my opinions on it, so your saying all your ideas are good and negative comments are bad. If your asking people to comment for the sake of adding ideas they can easily make their own thread so really there isnt any point if you dont allow us to comment on the ideas, Im giving feedback to general on the people reading this Im not directly giving them to you. Im merely giving my say on the thoughts you gathered, some are good some are bad but honestly, forward all these suggestions to staff themselves if you dont want us commenting on it
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Well-Known Member
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Oct 14, 2017
Google maps
Lol did that before. Then they said: use the suggestions sections.

Aaalso I said it was a checklist
Aaalso never said they are perfect. The title is the title..
Aaaaaaaalso its for staff not for you. Thats why I asks not to comment by players.

Aaalso I ask for otherd to add their suggestions cuz people on this server get pissed off easily saying stuff like:
Why is (suggestion) not on the list
You are biased bla bla.
And I wanted to prevent... this....

So yes at this point I give up as you really believe your doing something good. Cant help that mindset...

Dont mind commenting as I said:

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Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Oct 14, 2017
Google maps
well yea but it's just their heads on the wall..
Staff already get a tag. Why not influencial or positive people. Winners of potm and great builders (non archs mostly. Archs get the respect they deserve already)
Yes you may out your own heads on the wall too.


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2018
the ink inside a ballpoint pen
idc if they don't see it
I wanna make it so new players can see who they were on the server
i wanna make it so that we have a good place to remember them from

is that so wrong?


Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Jan 3, 2017
New England
Thanks for all the suggestions, any attempt to help out is appreciated :) I'll give it a go and try to respond to them all.

- Themepark would be cool, but the server's not really supposed to provide everything. Leave it to island owners to build one, like Runnerboro, or build a rollercoaster in a basement or something. + to make a ferris wheel/whatever work, we'd need a lot of laggy redstone or a plugin
- Punchout is fun in theory, but only if we had a way to prevent people from bringing swords out and killing everyone
- Pvp tournaments, sure
- Zombie apocalypse would require a plugin, which isn't exactly bad but isn't ideal. Also, zombies aren't realistic so it'd require reconfiguring to have enemy soldier textures or something like that. Maybe a one-time event?
- yankeefan made a military a while back for roleplay, it didn't really work out because of funding issues but the server doesn't really need one. Do it for roleplay on an island or in an underground bunker
- Idk anything about the superhero event, sounds fun
- Hide & seek, cops & robbers, and murder mystery would most likely require plugins. We already have something like these anyways - criminals trying to outrun police
- Not sure how the floats would move, I guess some configuring? No idea. Good in theory though
- Again, server doesn't need to make all the fun stuff. Players can just spend $500 per slimeball to make a nice trampoline park :p
- There's some animal races in the autumn event thing, I'm a fan
- Disasters - eh, would probably be very laggy and grief-y
- Not sure what this is, is it parkour with lava beneath you?

Gameplay changes
- Hm interesting idea, revive McCities News
- Maybe this could be a one-time event that lasts a week? I don't really like it as a full-time thing. Also, if cops can protect it, that means they can't win the reward so that's not really fair. And would they get a teleport to the chest or something?
- Yasss update the reactions
- We'll see
- Drugs aren't really important on the server, so maybe new ones could be made with actual effects
- Yeah I agree that Fortune 4 and 5 are a bit much
- Not sure how the server can do this, I guess by reducing the size of the shop/what it sells
- Anyone can try to sell things for as much they want, hopefully after 10 days of a property not selling they'll take it off the market themselves. It's not really worth developing this, we aren't here to babysit you guys :p and if it's way overpriced, no one will buy anyways
- ^ Same as above, if the arch's price is too high then don't hire them. They'll get the message eventually
- This didn't work too well for smart watches
- Up to MehLife, I think they were raised a little
- Reputation shows how good you are, so criminals losing rep means that they're a worse person. Reversing that wouldn't make much sense
- This is a little too much effort for no reason, there's been some rep updates and maybe more are coming? Up to Coban
- Plugins aren't ideal, especially for sports that require quite a few players (soccer)

*sigh* Economy changes
I know almost nothing about the economy so here we go, my terrible opinions
- Seems legit to me. #nerftaxi
- I love updating shop prices, it's quite a bit of work though. We'll have to see how much of every item is bought & sold, then compare the data to the past month and just never-ending research
- Islands need to be devalued, that's all I'll say. Reduce my wealth!
- If ugly houses/empty plots are revoked from players, good ones will be put on them & sold. Make a region report! Just put the region in there and we can check it out.
- Prices of food at /warp shop are actually quite high. Check out my grocery store for cheap food <3 Trust me, it's already an income. /bal sundaeinc
- Yeah I think stuff should be added for the rich.. like my suggestion 360 days ago. But I'm a rich greedy fool so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Rare plots are up to Kiri, he did those islands a while back