Hi! I'm Alex_the_cool_11 from Aloha Inc. (I'm the owner). Now Aloha Real Estate is recommending a house. More info is found below right here
Region: Bludbhouse-1
Seller: frencholiver
Price: 400k
Floors: 2 storys, 1 basement
Approximate lot size: 31x19
Location: Bunny Island (Island is owned by sundae22 and shadow_stalker77 and sundaeInc.
Profits: Large plot, modern and nice house with lots of interesting details, cozy Backyard, ocean view in front of the Bunny Island green archipelago.
Region: Bludbhouse-1
Seller: frencholiver
Price: 400k
Floors: 2 storys, 1 basement
Approximate lot size: 31x19
Location: Bunny Island (Island is owned by sundae22 and shadow_stalker77 and sundaeInc.
Profits: Large plot, modern and nice house with lots of interesting details, cozy Backyard, ocean view in front of the Bunny Island green archipelago.