Can I get permission to do /mute

Can I have permission to do /mute

  • Your aloud to do /mute

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • Your not aloud to do /mute

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • I can't chose

    Votes: 1 25.0%

  • Total voters


Jun 26, 2015
Username : PDC8800

Rank : Police

For how long were you playing? : I'm pretty sure that I have been playing for 2/3 weeks. I play on this server every single day!

Why should we give PDC permission to do /mute : Many people have been cursing when no staff is online to mute them. Two players were cursing and being offensive to me and BlueBerryBear. Those two players are xAvan and OhhFuel. All I could do was to try calm them down and to make them stop cursing. xAvan said that he is a undercover admin and he also said that I did bad and that I will be demoted. I did all I could to try stop them but they kept cursing!

What words were they saying? : They were saying the

F word

S word

N word

B word

and many disturbing words.

Why do you think cursing is a bad thing? : I am Christian and I believe in god. My parents say that if I curse, God will punish me for doing a bad thing. By cursing you can be mean and offensive to people that may have problems in real life. This part brings me to xAvan was being mean on offensive to be today. I was really sad because I cant do /mute xAvan 5 Minutes.
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