Denied caramelpopcorn's app

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Active Member
Dec 28, 2017
1. What is your username?
2. What is your server rank? (do /ar check)
3. Do you have a discord account? (Yes | No | Willing to make one)
no, I'm not allowed to have one
4. What plot(s) would you like to submit? (/plot home <number>)
/plot tp 5
5. What building styles do you specialize in? Choose all that apply. (modern, futuristic, traditional, medieval, terraforming, other)
modern, traditional, victorian/villa thingy, landscape, interior, terraforming
6. What types of design do you specialize in? Choose all that apply. (interior, exterior, landscaping, outdoor areas, other)
interior and landscaping are more of my thing and passion, but I can do exterior as well.
7. Why do you want to be an architect?
I would like to become an arch that way I can work for my passion and help the team. It has been a dream of mine to be an architect irl and ig. Getting the spot on here would be a tremendous help to me so I can stay motivated and get inspiration.
8. How would you contribute to communication with the team, community projects, and other architect-related things?
I would help communicate as much as possible, probably over the website because that's all I can do sadly, and I would be absolutely willing to help with anything necessary. I would encourage and build up the other people on the team, and be generous and kind/friendly/nice. ("build up" LOL).

FYI: I do have work and school and all that boring stuff, so I won't be on much, but I'm literally 2 days away from summer so I will be on more.
I hope that I can get the job, if not I completely understand. I hope I did a better job than last time. This work took me about 3 months to complete, and I am very proud of it.

I hope you like it and all have a very lovely day. (btw, I'm weird as you can prolly tell)roflmao

I hope I filled it all out, if not please lemme know, I'm prone to forgetting things since everything is piled up!


Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Jan 3, 2017
New England
Your Mediterranean-style house is really nice, I like your style! One suggestion I have it to use less chests/ladders in the interior, or incorporate them better. However, I've noticed that you've been a bit inactive - a little under two hours playtime this month. Also, discord is pretty important for communication within the team. Application denied, but please apply in at least a week & when your playtime is more steady. Maybe we can work something out with the lack of discord :) Thanks for applying!
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