City Plot: h1110
Creative Plot: /plot home 2
It's the building on the left side of the creative plot, itll say Bar 360 on it. Now I'll fully admit I'm not on the game so it's for the listed plot or h1111. I own both, but forget which one this build goes on. It's the left most plot of those 2 just like in the creative plot. I'll jump on soon and reply with clarification. Thank you as always.
City Plot: h1110
Creative Plot: /plot home 2
It's the building on the left side of the creative plot, itll say Bar 360 on it. Now I'll fully admit I'm not on the game so it's for the listed plot or h1111. I own both, but forget which one this build goes on. It's the left most plot of those 2 just like in the creative plot. I'll jump on soon and reply with clarification. Thank you as always.