City Plot: RunHPed
Creative Plot: /plot home Shadow_Stalker77 4
I had @Shadow_stalker77 build me this awesome plot, going on to my plot RunHPed. It will be surrounded by netherrack and it says Omni Corp at the front.
It is an apartment complex, fully furnished and meets/exceed new city apartment standards. Can all the floors be regioned, not including the hallway with the elevators of course. Can they be named OmniHotelRun-01, OmniHotelRun-02, and so on? Priced to the minimum allowed weekly price for the server with the new apartment standards.
Thank you as always
Creative Plot: /plot home Shadow_Stalker77 4
I had @Shadow_stalker77 build me this awesome plot, going on to my plot RunHPed. It will be surrounded by netherrack and it says Omni Corp at the front.
It is an apartment complex, fully furnished and meets/exceed new city apartment standards. Can all the floors be regioned, not including the hallway with the elevators of course. Can they be named OmniHotelRun-01, OmniHotelRun-02, and so on? Priced to the minimum allowed weekly price for the server with the new apartment standards.
Thank you as always