Denied CreeperGamer's Teacher Application

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Active Member
  1. What's your rank on the server? My current rank on the server is Citizen.
  2. What's your /ar check time? My /ar check time on the server is 3 days, 21 hours, and 30 minutes.
  3. How often can you play on the server? I can play on the server everyday whenever I get the chance. I don't play when I have breaks, out somewhere, doing something, etc. I mostly get the chance on Fridays and Saturdays, and sometimes Sundays.
  4. Why do you want to become a teacher? I want to become a teacher because I want to make up for the time I first did this application and it hurt a friends heart when I told them it was a joke so I want to make up for it and so I can teach students in the subject I'm given so they can have a good education!
  5. What do you want to teach? Slime Fun Technology, Technology, or Science.
  6. What would you do if a student wasn't behaving during class? I would give them 3 strikes if they don't behave after the 3rd strike I would send them to the principal.
  7. Do you agree to be a good role model? I, RealCutePuppy, agree to be a good role model for my students. I'll follow all the laws and make sure the students follow the law and not become a known criminal and if I do then I'd be setting a bad example for the students
  8. Do you have any questions or comments? Yes, I'm a doctor on the server if I could be the school's nurse if none of those topics are available that'd be great! Thank you!
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Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Nov 7, 2016
Denied, when I see you in game you are very argumentative and immature. You were also banned for a bad reason. Teachers need to be good role models and respectful people. Feel free to reapply when you are more mature and your ban has expired.
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