Don't Miss Me ouo


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2018
new york
Okay, So I'm going to be inactive and might not come back. I'm not that sure at the moment. On Friday, I'm going on vacation for at least 2 weeks and most likely I won't have wifi and my phone won't work because of long distance. Around August too, I'm going on vacation again and may have wifi. Also for right now, I want to take a break from Cities in general. I know I said to some people that I'll quit, so I am going officially inactive soon. I'll still be on discord...maybe.

I won't give my stuff away. Maybe some things that I don't need, but I'm not giving my stuff. I'm not giving honorable mentions because the people that I love know who they are. What else uh yeah nothing else. See ya soon uwu!