I've made a lot of these posts, I think my count stands at 5, not counting this one. You see, McCities has a certain allure to it, one that cannot be replicated. I joined McCities 4 years, 1 month and 17 days ago, just another Minecraft player looking for a new server. I was a server hopper, I could never be content with staying in one place for more than a few weeks, that was, until I came across McCities. As soon as I joined the server, which at the time had a small, but devoted player base, I was made to feel welcome. I made friends easily and was guided by the wonderful players. The server was great back then. Few, save Poseidon and other stragglers will remember this. I refer to it as the 'Golden Age'. The server wasn't at its peak player wise, but it sure was with its community.
As the server grew, the community saw new introductions. I remember when islands became a thing, costing 1 million to buy. It's funny looking back, seeing how much 1M could get you. With 1M I could buy 5 mansions, a large farm and still have change to pay an architect to furnish the houses. I saw the introduction of the police force, of the new island settlements such as the now abandoned Zenith City (owned by @Heather last time I checked. Please do check it out, especially a small, lone quartz house with the region name gh2. It was my second home on the server)
I remember the old staff base, before Kiri became full owner. The staff team was a playful bunch, with Zain and @JustYourTypical leading the pack. It was never boring. They held events, loved to talk and engaged with the community. As I became a more active and prominent player, I began to make some good friends, starting with @Death. Oh, Death and I. If you saw us in the street, you were bound to run. We were the deadliest duo out there. Then, further along the line came @XxSnowBearxX, @humancreeper8/andesine (rip good fren) and @Jo3512, who unfortunately disappeared without a trace, may you be happy old friend. When I finally got the money to do so, I started a colonisation project on my island. My island was gained in ways I won't go in to, @JustYourTypical perhaps might remember, probably not, or at least I hope.
The first resident on the island was @Marshmallowsmalk. Marsh and I were good friends. We built the island together, joining with @Pegasus and @PurpleTurkey to sell plots of questionable legality
. Marsh, Pegasus and I were also quite troublesome. We once made a maze, trapping cops in it for at least half an hour (before @Kiri enabled enderpearls, lol rip)
Marsh unfortunately has tiger parents, and her laptop was confiscated, probably for the best, but hey, we still speak.
After the island, things went downhill. This is the sad part.
Kiri and Coban became no longer active, which wasn't a problem to begin with. We had a decent staff team, led by @Heather and Ciel (sorry can't find your account). Then, Ciel quit, followed by Heather. The server became laggier, updates were less frequent and staff weren't as motivated. I reached a point where the server was too laggy to even move at some times. I stopped playing completely, logging in on the odd occasion a few months after this started.
After I quit, I also learnt that we had been abandoned. Unknown to a lot of people, Kiri has another server which he updates regularly. Sorry to say this, but, we were ditched guys.
I'm getting a little deep now, so I'll end it with this.
I started playing Minecraft in 2012. I've not been able to stop playing the game. It's a beautiful game, one that has unlimited potential, and I suspect I'll be playing it for years to come. Time though, has come for me to leave Cities. It has been a great journey, and so below please find my tribute list.
In no particular order:
@Ciel, @IanW2712, @MehLife, @laggynab, @ItzJazzMade, @Marshmallowsmalk, @Jo3512, @_Ender09_, @Pixel, @ayylmfao. If I've forgotten you, post below and I'll add <3
It's been a great journey, and I'm sad to see it end.
As the server grew, the community saw new introductions. I remember when islands became a thing, costing 1 million to buy. It's funny looking back, seeing how much 1M could get you. With 1M I could buy 5 mansions, a large farm and still have change to pay an architect to furnish the houses. I saw the introduction of the police force, of the new island settlements such as the now abandoned Zenith City (owned by @Heather last time I checked. Please do check it out, especially a small, lone quartz house with the region name gh2. It was my second home on the server)
I remember the old staff base, before Kiri became full owner. The staff team was a playful bunch, with Zain and @JustYourTypical leading the pack. It was never boring. They held events, loved to talk and engaged with the community. As I became a more active and prominent player, I began to make some good friends, starting with @Death. Oh, Death and I. If you saw us in the street, you were bound to run. We were the deadliest duo out there. Then, further along the line came @XxSnowBearxX, @humancreeper8/andesine (rip good fren) and @Jo3512, who unfortunately disappeared without a trace, may you be happy old friend. When I finally got the money to do so, I started a colonisation project on my island. My island was gained in ways I won't go in to, @JustYourTypical perhaps might remember, probably not, or at least I hope.
The first resident on the island was @Marshmallowsmalk. Marsh and I were good friends. We built the island together, joining with @Pegasus and @PurpleTurkey to sell plots of questionable legality
Marsh unfortunately has tiger parents, and her laptop was confiscated, probably for the best, but hey, we still speak.
After the island, things went downhill. This is the sad part.
Kiri and Coban became no longer active, which wasn't a problem to begin with. We had a decent staff team, led by @Heather and Ciel (sorry can't find your account). Then, Ciel quit, followed by Heather. The server became laggier, updates were less frequent and staff weren't as motivated. I reached a point where the server was too laggy to even move at some times. I stopped playing completely, logging in on the odd occasion a few months after this started.
After I quit, I also learnt that we had been abandoned. Unknown to a lot of people, Kiri has another server which he updates regularly. Sorry to say this, but, we were ditched guys.
I'm getting a little deep now, so I'll end it with this.
I started playing Minecraft in 2012. I've not been able to stop playing the game. It's a beautiful game, one that has unlimited potential, and I suspect I'll be playing it for years to come. Time though, has come for me to leave Cities. It has been a great journey, and so below please find my tribute list.
In no particular order:
@Ciel, @IanW2712, @MehLife, @laggynab, @ItzJazzMade, @Marshmallowsmalk, @Jo3512, @_Ender09_, @Pixel, @ayylmfao. If I've forgotten you, post below and I'll add <3
It's been a great journey, and I'm sad to see it end.