What is your rank on the server: I am a Citizen
What is your /ar check time: 13 Days 8 Hours
How often can you play on the server: Everyday for multiple hours.
Why do you want to become a teacher: I love the feeling of someone feeling stupid when they hear that I know everything
I'm kidding I like to help people and IRL I am even a tutor
What do you want to teach? Please include 2-3 topics, in case one of them are already occupied: I would like to teach 1. Redstone, because I have studied redstone and what you can do with it 2. Technology, such as how technology works and runs because IRL I have built my own computer and help my family fix smartphones and such. 3. Anything Related to Sports, IRL I am the captain of my school's wrestling team, on the football team, and runs Cross Country and Track, so I think I'm certified for sports.
What would you do if a student wasn't behaving during class: I would first give them a warning, then a talk after class + detention (is detention a thing on it?) Then if they still aren't behaving I will have a talk with them after class and send them to the principals.
Do you agree to be a good role model? As a teacher, you should be responsible and follow the law: I do agree to be a good role model and to follow the laws.
Do you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about teaching: Yes one, if possible, in the future is there any likely possibility that we will add a way for players to create "school clubs" or if you staff will insert any sports plugins? Thanks!
What is your /ar check time: 13 Days 8 Hours
How often can you play on the server: Everyday for multiple hours.
Why do you want to become a teacher: I love the feeling of someone feeling stupid when they hear that I know everything
What do you want to teach? Please include 2-3 topics, in case one of them are already occupied: I would like to teach 1. Redstone, because I have studied redstone and what you can do with it 2. Technology, such as how technology works and runs because IRL I have built my own computer and help my family fix smartphones and such. 3. Anything Related to Sports, IRL I am the captain of my school's wrestling team, on the football team, and runs Cross Country and Track, so I think I'm certified for sports.
What would you do if a student wasn't behaving during class: I would first give them a warning, then a talk after class + detention (is detention a thing on it?) Then if they still aren't behaving I will have a talk with them after class and send them to the principals.
Do you agree to be a good role model? As a teacher, you should be responsible and follow the law: I do agree to be a good role model and to follow the laws.
Do you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about teaching: Yes one, if possible, in the future is there any likely possibility that we will add a way for players to create "school clubs" or if you staff will insert any sports plugins? Thanks!