Government, President, Congress and ETC.


Jul 1, 2015
I was thinking we could have President, Congress, Government, and etc. Meaning the President could live in the /warp whitehouse and we could make the 3 branches of government, at the same time we could have a election on who should be president of the server. Instead of serving a year then voting again, The Presidency should last 1 month and they vote the first tuesday of the next month. Example, Lilkiller got elected as president, he will server 1 month (May for example) and then the next month (June, Tuesday) on the first tuesday election starts and should last 1-2 weeks. President's Perms should be able to access to /nick and that's about it. For Congress and the Government, They make up new Law ideas and the President decides to veto it or not before 14 days ( 30 days is too much and presidency will be over by then. ) If the President accepts the law, It should become a new law but the House of Rep. have to vote on the law AGAIN to make it become a law. ( EXAMPLE: MooMoo was apart of Con. and had a idea to lower taxes as a law. The Government and Congress vote on it and if it has enough votes it becomes a bill. The President will have to sign this bill for it to come to the House of Rep. and they vote on it again and the final vote will decide if we should make it a law. It's basically a idea i got from Social Studies when i was in 4th grade, but like.. Yea XD


Jun 24, 2015
kudos to anyone who read the whole thing... and giving normal players power of veto? and how much corruption would happen... god... pedivanpedivanpedivanpedivanpedivanpedivan ahem... that was my cntl v from fav staff...