In-game name: sundae22
Joined on: December 29, 2016
How I learned about the server: I was watching a TV show about drugs (*cough* Breaking Bad *cough*) and realized that it'd be pretty cool to make drugs in minecraft. So, I searched for servers and finally ended up on McCities.
About me: I'm a Helper on the server and like helping people. I bought Bunny Island on July 3, 2017, and have been working on it quite a bit. I love buying decrepit houses and fixing them up again, and currently have at least 4 mansions to build/decorate.
My Favorite Memories: 1) When I first joined the server, I saw that sre5 was on /as info forsale. I fell in love with the house and farmed for about at least 12 hours until I had enough money. It was my first ever house, and it's still not decorated. 2) Then, after a few weeks or months (don't remember), I was at /warp shop with a bunch of other people, forgot the names by now. We were trying to convince a new player that spawners were worth $500 MAX and that he should sell them to us for that cheap. 3) Someone was reselling a farmhouse on a huge plot for pretty cheap. I made a /helpme and Heather came to help. I wanted to know if I could replace the farmhouse with a different build. She pretty much said "Nah, it's perfectly fine like this." I said that I liked modern houses, and then, like a savage, Heather said "then buy a modern house" and left.
Extra Facts: I play basketball, love to downhill ski, and occasionally paint. Shadow_stalker77's my sister i (in real life). I'm also one of the richest on the server with $8.5m

If you have any questions, hmu in the comments.