ImARepublican Ban Appeal

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Staff member
Aug 1, 2017
Minecraft username: ImARepublican
Staff that banned you: @FroztyStars
Reason for ban: Glitch Abuse
Proof against the ban: I don't have much proof against the ban, other than the logs of what happened that could be pulled by staff. I was doing a job for Death_Inferno360 to get bounties, and I tracked chick_fil_a to Gabby_X0X0's house. The door was open, so I went inside (invis) and found chick fil a who was also invis, and killed him for the bounty. They claimed I glitch abused, though I didn't. A bit after that, the rest of the gang came to kill them again only to find that the door was locked, and they were inside. To act like a nuisance, we all started bowspamming and got in a line. I spammed right click on the doors to be annoying, thinking that staff would think it was funny to see that many logs of me on the door. Then, Death_Inferno and I got accused of glitch abuse along with one other person, though they didn't know who it was. I then went into creative to work on some builds, and I got banned. I'm not sure why I was banned when I didn't do anything, and I'd like some answers. It makes little to no sense as to why I was banned when people who actually glitch abused like ridethesky and justblur never got banned.


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2017
I can testify for him, so what happened is that were playing a game within the gang to like kill the players online. So I placed a 1k bounty on everyone and Rep decided to hunt gabby & chickfila since they were bountied, he went inside the house while he was on invis and then killed them. they claimed he glitched through and wanted to report him for it, so this time the whole gang went to there house and well we wanted to kill them but it was locked so we bow spammed their front porch. Eventually we left and iamrepublican was banned for glitch abusing. He spammed the door to see if staff would think that spamming right click on a door would be = to a glitch abuse which he never did. The door spam happened a bit after right after they claimed that Me, republic and someone else glitched in. I never glitched in the house, had I did I would have attacked them because that was the initial goal but because the door was locked when the gang arrived then it was not possible. The door was open when rep first arrived so thats why he was able to kill them however they claim otherwise saying it was closed which never was.

IF in both occasions it were closed and IN one occasion we were able to kill him, it doesn't add up why we were only able to kill them on one occasion and not both. Taking into account the 2nd time we arrived we were a whole group. This further proves my statement that the first time the door was open which allowed him to enter and kill where as the second time it was closed which did not allow us to kill them.


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2017
The Netherlands
- If you are not directly related to the appeal, or can't help; don't reply. This includes off-topic posts, discussions and pointless opinions.

If you want to add anything to a ban appeal, feel free to message a staff member.
The player is back already.
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