Denied Kyer Rayn Teacher Application

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New Member
Apr 30, 2017
What is your Rank of the Server?
I'm a Resident.
What is your /ar Check Time?
My current time as of writing this is 20 hours and 30 minutes.
How often can you play on the Server?

I can play on the server anytime between 5 pm (Central Time zone) through 10 pm.
Why do you want to be a Teacher?
-I like to help people and I feel that the best way to help people is to prepare them for the life ahead.
-Being a teacher opens a new door to your life a door where you can watch children on all ages grow and be successful in life, that's a door that I would like to open.
-The last three or four generations of my family have been teachers
-I feel that I would qualify for it I'm an all A student and take three AP classes, I have a GPA of 4.7, I'm TA, and I have an internship with a Senter.
Sorry if I've listed too many reasons I was just speaking from the heart (Also if validation of any of the things listed is needed I have it.)
What do you want to Teach? Please include 2-3 topics, in case one of them are already occupied.
I would prefer to teach English, History, or Literature, but I'm open to teaching just about anything.
What would you do if a student wasn't behaving during class?
The first time I would bring it to the knowledge of the person that they're being disruptive to others around them. Next time I would ask them to kindly step outside the classroom where I will make sure everything is alright with them. If the problem continues I will punish them accordingly with either detection, a trip to the administrator's office, extra homework, or an essay on a topic chosen by myself.
Do you agree to be a good role model?
I will agree to try my best. I can not promise to be a role model for all people because every person is different what I see a right another could see as wrong, but you have my word I will do the best of my ability to make the right choice and be a good role model to those that see me as one


One of our requirements for teacher applicants is that they be citizen rank or above to apply. Please feel free to reapply when you have the requirements needed to be a teacher.
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