Loan suggestion


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2017
Never gonna tell, UK
So as many players know the current system of loans is quite risky especially as there's always the possibility that you might not get the full amount or any of it back at all, so here's what I've thought of, it's something similar to how the real life loan system works

A company is set up that instead of using the money of an individual or group of players is connected to the server economy. When a player wants to take out a loan, they can decide how much to loan up to a maximum amount and how long in-game they need it for, and every time the payslip thing comes in a bit of that loan is paid back until it's completely paid back including interest. An example;

Player 1 takes out 150k over 4 weeks in-game at an interest rate of 20%. At the end of the day IRL a bit of that loan is paid back, including the interest, until the final amount of 180k is paid off

If I don't make any sense then apologies but I just wanted to make this quick suggestion and see what people thought about it xD
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Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Oct 14, 2017
Google maps
The whole point of player to player loans is that there is a risk. Some banks make you give them valuable items beforehand wich they will return (so temporarily selling actually) so they are safe.

Sever loans would mess up the whole server. #inflation.

Also would take a lot of time for the plugin to be developed and we rather have other plugins / less lagg :/
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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2017
Seems a lil complicated, just leave some sort of collateral before taking out a loan.
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