Accepted MadGalaxie's Teacher app -\_( ' , ' )_/-

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Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Oct 14, 2017
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What is your in game name?
MadGalaxie :DDDDD

What is your rank on the server?
I'm either a Millionair or a SrPolice, depending which one you want to count.

What timezone are you in? (Important for planning school)
CET Timezone, also counted as +1. Seeing as we are 1 hour ahead from London. This means that if I would like to teach the most students as possible it would probably be around 11pm for me. Which is fine in the weekends. But sometimes we can already reach 20-30 players earlier in the weekdays so I might still be able to teach then :)

What is your Ar Time? (Do /ar time)
Gosh, around 43 days I believe? Might be 42 don't @ me ;)

Why do you want to become a teacher?
Well for starters I have already been a teacher in the past and I have always enjoyed teaching, but when I became Sr Police and the force was kinda inactive at them time I decided to focus on that. School had been inactive back then for a while too, but I felt like I couldn't change anything about that. I was wrong at the time, I should have kept going and helped Bpacer out. Now there is a shortage in teachers, an inactive school and most people even forget that it exists! I want to help make a change by teaching actively, helping around where I can with school managing and bringing ideas to the table to bring more awareness and activity to the school. I hope I get the chance to teach again and see what I can do for the school!

What subjects do you want to teach in? Include 2-3 topics, in case one of your chosen subject(s) are already occupied. (Minecraft or McCities related topics only, as those are
most pertinent to our students)

I would love to teach History classes, I would interview old players, showcase disabled items and talk about old events that happend on the server. I have many books on the history of the server and I just think it's a class that can be very interesting and also very usefull. "Don't repeat the mistakes from the past!"

Otherwise I would teach Biology/Science. Just simple minecraft mechanics about Animals, Growing plants, Weapons. But also the effects of drugs and alcohol on the player. Potion effects and how to craft them. Some healthcare classes on how to heal players and doctoring tips. Anything that has to do with Nature and Biology :D

How would you handle a situation if a student wasn't behaving in class?

If a student wasn't behaving well in class I would first give them a warning if it's a minor offence (any big offenses like shooting in class goes to the principal immediatly). After the first warning I would consider giving them a second warning or send them to the principals office. Then the Principal will decide a fitting punishment for the student.

Do you have an account for discord? (This is required for teachers to communicate and plan as a team)

JazzGotBlues#2820 (I'm already in the discord though xd)

Do you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about teaching?

I suggest that everyone who thinks they have something fun they can teach to others applies for teacher! It's not all about seriousness, it's about having fun and making the server a lil bit more active. School is one of the biggest roleplays on the server! So join the team and ask your friends to join too! :D

I hope I can be accepted back to the team and that You will accept my help :) I really am motivated to teach actively. Also there are a lot of Cops atm so no worries about me having to run out of class to jail criminals xd
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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2018
Good Application! I've decided to accept you as a History Teacher!

Application Accepted.
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