Minister of architect again?


Jan 31, 2016
Hello, my name is Mini_Maximus7 and i feel like our servers architects need orders and new rules, i have been minister before and i know how the job works, and i was talking to an arch, and he/she was telling me some of the perms they have, and i think i can make them better, a lot of people are needing a house, building, hotel, etc built, and the arches are saying they cant, or they dont have perms to city, i want to change that
I would like to take the job again as Minister Of Arches, i have lots and lots of free time, i would be on a lot like i usually am, i want to make the server even better than it already is, i feel like we need this job, they need someone to tell them what to work on, or how World Edit works, half the people on the server are probably 12 and under, when they get Sr Arch, they are gonna have World Edit, and they are'nt gonna know how to use it, and they might mess up the world, i know how World Edit works, and i want to help train them, and train how to get better at using it

If you guys could read this it would be perfect, thanks, Mini_Maximus7