I have recently heard that /ah is being replaced with a new plugin which I am happy about but I also have a new idea. What if we added a "McCities online shopping plugin" So basically what this means is its a form of /ah that is used by business so like, for example, I have a company Apple in game so you could do /shop Apple and a GUI would come up with items we sell and you can buy them from there so it's like a private /ah for business and markets big or small. There would be a fee to put the items up just like /ah. This would be like an online shopping plugin from stores on McCities you can shop using the GUI or go to the business.
I have recently heard that /ah is being replaced with a new plugin which I am happy about but I also have a new idea. What if we added a "McCities online shopping plugin" So basically what this means is its a form of /ah that is used by business so like, for example, I have a company Apple in game so you could do /shop Apple and a GUI would come up with items we sell and you can buy them from there so it's like a private /ah for business and markets big or small. There would be a fee to put the items up just like /ah. This would be like an online shopping plugin from stores on McCities you can shop using the GUI or go to the business.