Accepted Patty_Mayo teacher app

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Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2018
McCities fun amazing server
My ign is Patty_Mayo
The subject i want to teach is: Library.I would implement some reading, some discussion over what was read from the reading. I would also ask at the end, meet me at the counter if you would like to write a story and i would give them a book and quill, and have them turn it in when they are in school at the next session. I would also take suggestions on what we should read during the next school session,
My rank is: Citizen
I would give them 2 verbal warnings,then if they continue to misbehave i will ask them to go out into the hallway for 1-2 minutes, and if that same behavior keeps happening i will send them to the principals office. but if they have drugs and/or guns in sight in their hand and/or off-hand i will send them to the office after 1 verbal warning is said if they don't listen to directions after the verbal warning
Yes i have a discord account my discord is @Patty_Mayo#9677
My Timezone is Eastern Standard Time
The reason why i want to become a teacher is because I love to impliment reading and discussions to engage all students with what we are doing. I would also like to become a teacher because I love teaching other people what I would want to teach and what they would want to learn about in class. I would also be open for any student written stories to have the class read and then discuss what they thought about the story. I enjoy helping people learn new things and i love to help out the community in any possible way i can.
I definitely agree to be a good role model!
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