Police Application Change: /rep public vote

Should the police force get rid of the rep requirement on the police application

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Currently, the police application requires someone who applies to have a rep of -50 or higher. However, a lot of players who use to be criminals want to become police officers, and throughout the past couple of years many people have been denied the chance to become officers based on their rep. This is a public vote to get rid of the rep requirement for police.

Vote: Should the police force get rid of the rep requirement on the police application?

A vote of yes indicates you want the rep question removed.
A vote of no indicates you want the rep question to stay.

Pro: More people will be able to apply for police
Con: Criminals and people who break law will be able to become police.

Requires 51% to change the rep rule

This vote needs to be approved by the minister, after hearing opinions from the police force and players.