Rentable mine


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2017
Never gonna tell, UK
This one is still Op.... but who cares!

But for the rentable mines,
Maybe you can only rent them for 1 or 2 days for 25k. So that you actually use them. Also you can't extend your rent only rent it again once it expires. So yeag you can place chests. But have to clear them out beforehand otherwise poof :(
25k for 1-2 days? that's insane lmao. I was thinking that amount for like 1-2 weeks, there's no way that new players would be able to afford those and if they could they'd all probably be taken by then
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Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2016
houston, texas
and what happens if someone’s wifi goes out through the deadline? or if they get grounded?

forgetting is one thing, not being able to log on is another


Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Oct 14, 2017
Google maps
25k for 1-2 days? that's insane lmao. I was thinking that amount for like 1-2 weeks, there's no way that new players would be able to afford those and if they could they'd all probably be taken by then
Lol if you can rent them for 2 weeks they are gone faster than you can say Miner.

Also you would only rent them if you have the time to mine for long. Otherwise you don't earn the 25k back and you lose money.
Fishing shacks are always taken. If the rentable mines don't cost much to rent they will be too.

These mines are useless anyway. There 100 miners who would really want one of these. But to create 100 rentable mines. Really?

For one thing miner should get nerfed not upgraded.
I get that you all want to make money more easily and say stuff like: "old players make easy money" but thats not true. Miner makes an easy 100k and hour. Wich honestly is better then some methods of making money.

and what happens if someone’s wifi goes out through the deadline? or if they get grounded?

forgetting is one thing, not being able to log on is another
The hole idea is that you can only mine for 1 day and not keep claiming it for yeard like fishingshacks.
This should be a rich treat not some stuff for Residents.


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2017
Ok to get this straight ill try to get all your questions answered

So first like minty said the fishing shacks.
The first question is do you need fishing shack to fish? No
Does it give you an advantage in space? No you can fish anywhere, heck i won fishing contests back in the day out of a swimming pool and one of those really small af ones.

Second, no offense to newbies or anything but newbies don’t usually mine for long periods of hours. Besides this you guys are losing the point of why its being invented. One to mine more peacefully and less interferance. Two that means you will earn more as you would not need to pay for warps and people wont steal your ores regularly. As well as that means you may be able to keep your extra lapis or redstone so more earning as well for those who regularly throw it. Based on interviews and personal experience, Ive calculated a rough average of 150-180k per hour of mining, and this is an hour. So why would rent prices be so high and so little would be made. One if you know the law of supply and demand, more supply less demand, and high supply more demand. And the price will be determined by its equilibrium value, basically prices will be higher if less are made leading as more people would want it. Prices will be lower if more are made and in term have a low of them being unused cause people will think so what its cheap rent use it or not its mine. The reason for higher prices is to force people to use it. For example lets say the pricing is around 20-25k for around 3 days or so, for example your out of town for a month obviously you would unrent it. This provides everyone to be able to use it. And people will be highly encouraged to only rent when needed. It also prevents hoarders, if you wanna hoard it for the purpose of keeping it without any use then your all dead as your gonna be spending nearly 200-250k a month if your not using it based on my example. Well it may not seem like a lot I sure do wish the price is a lot higher. As one if you can earn 180k in an hour you already earn more than enough for 1-2 weeks worth of keeping it, if you wanna do it per day you literally earn 160-170k per day. If your paying 10k per day to let you have some private space and in turn better working conditions why not. Thats less than 10% of your earnings on most cases. If your that typical once in a while earner sort of type, then dont rent it as it is not a need for you and you will in turn lose cash. This in no way benefit the rich and wealthy. Even if your a median or low average sorta guy, and your bal is at 50-100k. If you feel like going hardcore earning for a day hell your gonna make over 300k. You will defintly make over like 10-20k per day.

Think of it as bug spray, why do you buy bug sprays, to keep bugs out of you or your home so life is more convienient. Your paying for that extra service or good, its not required but you do it anyways as it makes life easier.

You guys are just intimidated by the high prices, think long term not short term. If you invest on a mine area for like a month your probably earning a million or more compared to like 250k ish worth of rent in a month, im just saying. Its not even a requirement its just if you wanna.

And that other question by jazz about the rent time, you do know you can extend rents up to 30 days, you dont even need to extend the rent of your plot if you dont wanna, if your not gonna use it for like a week then dont even rent it for the whole week. Its a matter of usage. If your rich and want to keep the plot then go ahead and throw your cash.
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