Store For sf Ingredients and/or food


Active Member
Apr 16, 2016
Like Jo said, the point of sf is for it to be harder. I don't think it would be a good idea to have official sf shops like that. Maybe if the plants were added to farm idk..? Just not a shop.
I had a problem with planting one of the special berry trees and Heather told me not to do it again.


Active Member
Apr 8, 2016
I have been attracted to sf and it's food for awhile and i can never seen to find the ingredients without buying them from certain players for about 100-300 dollars, just the main ingredients can be added (lettuce, tomato, strawberry,(etc). I think this would also be a good idea for new players who don't have experience with sf.

Thanks For reading- WonderK :mobpig:
To be perfectly honest those are not the main slime fun ingredients, They are the main food ones. And this has been discussed on a earlier thread if we should have a slime fun shop. And you could take this opportunity to make your own shop to provide to players being the only selling you could make a lot of profit.