Denied Teacher App


Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Jun 19, 2017
A Powerful Universe
What is your Minecraft username?


What subjects do you want to teach

I would like to teach on how to craft survival items, building skills, teaching how to be a doctor, or teaching the sever rules. I have experience as crafting medical items, survival needs, and enforce the server rules.

What is you rank on the server?


What would you do if a student wasn’t behaving appropriately in class?

I would warn them verbally to stop only 2 times, but the third warning I would involve the Principle.

Do you have a discord account?

Yes, I have a discord account.

What timezone are you in?

Central Timing Zone

Why do you want to become a teacher?

I want to become a teacher because I love to inform and teach players new things and how to get better at something, and I have teached or tutoring somone before. Helping students is the best thing I could do, especially that I have experience in the subjects that I want to teach. I aspire to be one of the really fun teachers, and teach very understanding and fun at the same time.

Do you agree to be a good role model?

Yes, I agree that I’m a good role-model on server and off. I’m active, kind, helpful, honest, and responsible. All the requirements to be a teacher are completed.

Thank you!
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