What is your rank on the server:
My Rank is Citizen
What is your /at check time?
7 days 23 hours and 25 minutes
How often can you play on the server?
I can play for about 30-1 hour week days and 3 hours or more on weekends
Why do you want to become a teacher?
It is my dream to become a teacher and to educate students in peforming arts and hey? Why not start on Mccities?
What Subjects?
1. Media and Events (basiclly we photo class) 2. Dance to get blood pressure up!! 3. Drama (plays @ thearter)
What if a student was disbehaving?
I would politely say " Please stop" and give them 3 warnings and if they get to 3 warnings I would send them out of the classroom or to the principals office
Do you agree to be a good role model and follow the law?
I would be a great role model and show great responsibility to the pupils
Do you have any comments?
I Promise if i become a teacher i will leave my argument past behind and be a well behaved teacher!!
My Rank is Citizen
What is your /at check time?
7 days 23 hours and 25 minutes
How often can you play on the server?
I can play for about 30-1 hour week days and 3 hours or more on weekends
Why do you want to become a teacher?
It is my dream to become a teacher and to educate students in peforming arts and hey? Why not start on Mccities?
What Subjects?
1. Media and Events (basiclly we photo class) 2. Dance to get blood pressure up!! 3. Drama (plays @ thearter)
What if a student was disbehaving?
I would politely say " Please stop" and give them 3 warnings and if they get to 3 warnings I would send them out of the classroom or to the principals office
Do you agree to be a good role model and follow the law?
I would be a great role model and show great responsibility to the pupils
Do you have any comments?
I Promise if i become a teacher i will leave my argument past behind and be a well behaved teacher!!