City Plot: eisland, location is I made a plot right in front of lava-mansion, and is also right beside e01, sorry I didnt get the coords. The plot fits exactly for the village I made.
Creative Plot: my /plot home 4 or /plot home Death_Inferno360 4. Its the village one with 6 different houses made up of clay with a fountains in the middle. I want the whole village transferred.
@EnderPoop respond to this cus I dont want more problems.
City Plot: eisland, location is I made a plot right in front of lava-mansion, and is also right beside e01, sorry I didnt get the coords. The plot fits exactly for the village I made.
Creative Plot: my /plot home 4 or /plot home Death_Inferno360 4. Its the village one with 6 different houses made up of clay with a fountains in the middle. I want the whole village transferred.
@EnderPoop respond to this cus I dont want more problems.