never made a transfer request before so bare with me if you need more information.
Username: kirspy
Creative plot: /plot home 2 (block -1955, 66, 1606)
City plot you want the build moved to: jb101
i want to transfer the light house that is surrounded by orange wool, the wool is outside the plot size so it doesnt need to be transfered. plot size is 7 by 9. please make the door face the road
is it possible to move the sign that says who owns the plot as well some place prettier? perhaps next to the door where the vines are currently. ive included a screen shot so you
can see where it is currently.
thanks in advanced!
Username: kirspy
Creative plot: /plot home 2 (block -1955, 66, 1606)
City plot you want the build moved to: jb101
i want to transfer the light house that is surrounded by orange wool, the wool is outside the plot size so it doesnt need to be transfered. plot size is 7 by 9. please make the door face the road
is it possible to move the sign that says who owns the plot as well some place prettier? perhaps next to the door where the vines are currently. ive included a screen shot so you
can see where it is currently.
thanks in advanced!