using magic eye of enders in the offhand turns them into normal eye of enders


New Member
Aug 10, 2019
i don't really know if this is a bug but i had nowhere to talk about it. i really wanted to teleport everywhere so i decided to make a magic eye of ender. i even went into the wild for the first time ever so i could mine obsidian, and i had to pay for most of the resources. i spent around maybe 10000 trying to make it and buying all things needed to build the crafters, and i'm just sad to see that all of that was undone by clicking 2 buttons. as soon as i got the magical eye of ender i used it, and i wanted to see if i could hold my sword while using it, so i put it in my off hand and once i used it it flew off in the direction of the stronghold. i'm posting this to ask that this could be avoided by others in the future.