Denied xBrxndon's Teacher Application

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New Member
Jul 20, 2017
What is your Rank of the Server?
What is your /ar Check Time?
-15 Hours and 20 Minutes-
How often can you play on the Server?
-I play on the server very often. Around 4-5 Hours in total in a day-
Why do you want to be a Teacher?
-I've always been wanting to be a teacher, in real life and in games. Just the sense of joy to teach kids with the passion to improve their life and other's lives as they grow using my ideas of teaching.-
What do you want to Teach? Please include 2-3 topics, in case one of them are already occupied.
-Health (I am a Certified Nurse Assistant irl), Theater, or Interior Design/Home Improvement-
What would you do if a student wasn't behaving during class?
-I would give them a warning, a warning stating about their misbehavior and how they need to improve it, after that I would separate them from the class and give a stern talking to and give them detention, and finally if the poor behavior is still an issue I would contact the principal and have them be sent to the office.-
Do you agree to be a good role model?
-Yes I agree to be a good role model, and hopefully am at the moment. I haven't stolen from anyone nor killed anyone, and I never will. I am a Camp Counselor in real life for Kindergarten Boys. Living the life as a good role model will help me be a good role model in this beautiful city.-

-NOTE- I am using my phone right now to edit, but if I have not been active that is because my laptop has not been working quiet well and sent it to get repaired.

Thank you for Reading my application and hoping for good news!

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One of our requirements for teacher applicants is that they be citizen rank or above to apply for the teacher job. Please feel free to reapply when you can update your application with the requirements needed.
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