Case Closed Case against NitronicEx

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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2017
Never gonna tell, UK
1. Who are you accusing?:

@NitronicEx (I don't think they have a forums account unless it's under a different name)

2. What are your claims/accusations?

I wanted to see Nitronic's farm literally just because I wanted to see one working as, to the best of my knowledge, I've never seem a working mob farm on the server. I was then killed and all the weapons and armour I was carrying at the time (which were all legendary mythics) were taken by NitronicEx and ever since then I've been trying to get my items back by any means necessary but to no avail. NitronicEx has said such things to me as - it was my fault/I deserved it/you're not getting them back/i don't care what happened/I've sold them/I've traded them and it's becoming increasingly frustrating to try and get my items back. The only deal they were willing to make is to individually sell my items for 500k each on /ah but that was very quickly denied and I ended up back where I started

3. Any additional proof you can provide us?

Some of the screenshots I managed to save are provided



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Oct 14, 2017
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This would (in the future) be more fitting in the report a player section found at the bottom of the forum page.

As for this case we are being trolled by some players who keep on tp killing players on the server. Do you have any proof of the tp kill happening? All I see is msgs about items of which we don't know what items.

Good luck on the report. I am just helping out btw.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2017
Never gonna tell, UK
This would (in the future) be more fitting in the report a player section found at the bottom of the forum page.

As for this case we are being trolled by some players who keep on tp killing players on the server. Do you have any proof of the tp kill happening? All I see is msgs about items of which we don't know what items.

Good luck on the report. I am just helping out btw.
Your help is very much appreciated

It wasn't really what I would call a tp kill, I tp'ed to see the farm and was there for a good 5 minutes or so before it happened but in any case sadly I don't have any screenshots of that, I was more concerned with trying to get my lost items back

(for the record the items that were taken include 2 axes, 1-2 pickaxes, 1 sword, 2 bows, a full set of diamond armour and an extra pair of diamond leggings, all legendary mythics)


New Member
Sep 9, 2019
Tel Aviv
His Friend Asks me if he can help me, then he tp's his other friend then he goes and steal all my Spawners. i go to my other house i get a sword i kill him bec he had his armour off for some reason i run with the gear then. he opens a court case u cant open a court case bec u died in the wild

i didnt not scam you or even traded anything with you i told u if u want them u gotta pay then i traded it with a player
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New Member
Sep 9, 2019
Tel Aviv
His Friend Asks me if he can help me, then he tp's his other friend then he goes and steal all my Spawners. i go to my other house i get a sword i kill him bec he had his armour off for some reason i run with the gear then. he opens a court case u cant open a court case bec u died in the wild
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2017
Never gonna tell, UK
His Friend Asks me if he can help me, then he tp's his other friend then he goes and steal all my Spawners. i go to my other house i get a sword i kill him bec he had his armour off for some reason i run with the gear then. he opens a court case u cant open a court case bec u died in the wild
First, like I said I wanted to see the farm, nothing more, nothing less

Secondly I had no idea the other player would spawn, in fact I have no idea how that happened

Thirdly, I never stole anything from you. I was watching the farm and seeing how it worked from underneath when the other player started destroying everything and broke the spawners, I even returned the stuff you dropped when you were killed to the chest or directly next to the spawner

Finally, this case isn't about the fact that I was killed in the wild but the fact that you essentially stole my gear and sold it to other players as you've just admitted in your first reply, and I highly disagree with your system of me wanting to buy back my own gear when you know for a fact you tool them from me

I'd like you to return every single item you took from me without me having to pay for it, this situation has gone far enough and I'd like it to stop right now


New Member
Sep 9, 2019
Tel Aviv
First, like I said I wanted to see the farm, nothing more, nothing less

Secondly I had no idea the other player would spawn, in fact I have no idea how that happened

Thirdly, I never stole anything from you. I was watching the farm and seeing how it worked from underneath when the other player started destroying everything and broke the spawners, I even returned the stuff you dropped when you were killed to the chest or directly next to the spawner

Finally, this case isn't about the fact that I was killed in the wild but the fact that you essentially stole my gear and sold it to other players as you've just admitted in your first reply, and I highly disagree with your system of me wanting to buy back my own gear when you know for a fact you tool them from me

I'd like you to return every single item you took from me without me having to pay for it, this situation has gone far enough and I'd like it to stop right now

i have rights to defend my place and kill anyone that is in the wild its not banable to kill someone in wild
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Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2019
United States
Wait I am getting mixed messages here, so if @NitronicEx killed you in the wild, that is allowed, therefore you can't sue because you we're in the wild, that is on you, @ThatOneGuy4205 sorry if I did get mixed messages, but if I am not mistaken then you can't sue him.


Staff member
Aug 1, 2017
Im the friend in question
this dumbass was using someone elses spawner, wasn't even his
I gave the owners spawners back
p much it k thx


Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Jan 22, 2018
Your help is very much appreciated

It wasn't really what I would call a tp kill, I tp'ed to see the farm and was there for a good 5 minutes or so before it happened but in any case sadly I don't have any screenshots of that, I was more concerned with trying to get my lost items back

(for the record the items that were taken include 2 axes, 1-2 pickaxes, 1 sword, 2 bows, a full set of diamond armour and an extra pair of diamond leggings, all legendary mythics)
Tp kill doesn’t have a time limit, so you could of actually sued/reported for that. Oh, reading further, I realized you can’t provide screenshots... :(


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Oct 14, 2017
Google maps
@ThatOneGuy4205 please try to work this case out in private with @Gjegevey or @Trump15024

We are unable to rule the court case, seeing as Nitro is currently banned and we are not sure what items were stolen and where they were hidden.

I hope you can retrieve them and wish you a good day.

Case Closed. Awaiting for approval.
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