Minecraft Insider


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May 9th 2017: Hello and welcome to Minecraft Insider I'm your host MarkAnthony! Today we'll be looking at a little Inside look at Mojang's Founders. Did Notch own all of Mojang? No he didn't. Markus Persson, Jakob Porser, and Carl Manneh those three are Mojang's original parent before Notch sold his share. Notch tweeted on his profile "Does anybody want to buy my share of Mojang so I can move on with my life? His share! He didn't own all of Mojang but do people believe that Notch wasn't the first person who co-owned Mojang? No some don't but I don't care. As long as I telling them official info that I fact checked I know I'm when I told them about it. Thank you for joining me for this Minecraft Insider let me know if you wanna see more by leaving a like or commenting remember not everybody knows this info that I just shared with you guys!
May 15th 2017: Hello and welcome to another Minecraft Insider I'm your host MarkAnthony! Today we'll be looking at Easter Eggs placed into Minecraft and Minecraft Story Mode. One of the Minecraft Easter Eggs is when you make a cake you'll get an achievement titled "The Lie" if you haven't played the Portal game that's a reference to the cake being a lie or if you seen it before I'm just giving a little reminder and just case if you didn't know that and not to mention some people don't look at the Easter Eggs in games like I do depending on if the game designers put them in. Minecraft Story Mode Easter Egg when you walk into the convention where the stands are you'll see Jeb hanging out in the booth and you'll also see a banner hanging on the side of the booths you'll see the Mojang logo on it. There are so many Easter Eggs hidden within the Minecraft and Minecraft Story Mode world! Thank you for joining me for today's Minecraft Insider if you enjoy it and you want to see more please leave a like and let me know in the comment section below. I do fact check the Easter Eggs but in case I need to double check to see if I got it right I will fact check the website so I don't give the wrong info, and this is official info. Thank you for reading today's Minecraft Insider
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Cyber Bullied
Dec 7, 2016
May 9th 2017: Hello and welcome to Minecraft Insider I'm your host MarkAnthony! Today we'll be looking at a little Inside look at Mojang's Founders. Did Notch own all of Mojang? No he didn't. Markus Persson, Jakob Porser, and Carl Manneh those three are Mojang's original parent before Notch sold his share. Notch tweeted on his profile "Does anybody want to buy my share of Mojang so I can move on with my life? His share! He didn't own all of Mojang but do people believe that Notch wasn't the first person who co-owned Mojang? No some don't but I don't care. As long as I telling them official info that I fact checked I know I'm when I told them about it. Thank you for joining me for this Minecraft Insider let me know if you wanna see more by leaving a like or commenting remember not everybody knows this info that I just shared with you guys!
Great. Eunim has inspired a bunch of these.
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