Village in Ender Island


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2017
Me and EnderPort are selling a village consisting of 7houses and a few amenities such as a wishing well, pool and a shed with a secret, and a head of a marshmallow.

So far Marshmallowsmalk is interested in buying it, you will technically like own the whole village so you can be like mayor of your village XD.

These houses will be to help mainly a lot of players in need of homes such as the newer ones or even some people up to citizens don't have houses due to lack of houses, people got the cash but no house.

This was built by Death_Inferno360,EnderPort and IanW2712
If you need a builder we will happy to do the job.


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2017
K I'm start the bid, the houses are gonna be sold separately by the village. Ill start the village bid at 250k bid for it bin increasement must be 10k
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