Things Recently Discussed on the Server, and Deserve to be seen here


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2018
the ink inside a ballpoint pen
"See, but when you offer suggestions, then you're shot down.

If I offer suggestions, people just get angry saying I'm hating on the server. I can't win

I can either say nothing, complain and be muted, or make a real suggestion and have people laugh and accuse me of hating on the server.

Staff work hard, don't get me wrong, but there's more to a server than staff."

Unfortunately, some of this is kinda true. This was said by cozmicraft in the Shout Box, and to talk about this further, I'm opening up a forum for people to talk about this openly, and if possible, with no consequences. In recent months, many big things have changed, and all in a really short amount of time. Leanne and Joey gone, people quitting left and right, and more arguments than I've ever seen on the server combined.

This being said, I will repeat something I said in the Shout Box as well.

STAFF CAN NOT DO EVERYTHING. As cosmic said, a server isn't just staff. A server includes staff, but it also features us, the community, and recently people like cosmic have been voicing their complaints and have only received warnings about it, which seems to be making others shy away from presenting their wishes to others.

So much has fallen apart over the years, and it's all starting to come back and kick us in the buttocks now. We need players AND staff to help fix the problems in the community, because staff cannot do everything. While I know that not all complaints are valid and are poorly made, most are important and should be taken into account.

Now, more than ever, we need the community of players to come up and help sundae and other staff, instead of complaining and making the problems worse.

Come help me help them ;) -Will

Thanks for reading! This is important.


Well-Known Member
The staff is sort of like our government. We don't really elect them, because nibble runs the show (No complaints), but they, ultimately, are there for us. It's so easy to look at the staff and think, "Oh, that would be easy. To have infinite power, and be able to do basically whatever." But, it's different. I've been staff on a small server before, and it is HARD. I'm going to take some inspiration from the Hypixel helper Linehead here. He said to never forget that there is a person behind that screen and that the staff truly are no different then you and I. That's why they aren't perfect.

Of course, there is room for improvement (Quite a lot of room), and the staff goofs up sometimes. But, as a whole, they make the server a better place and all work hard to preserve our delicate little balance of computer hardware, roleplay, a video game and the human mind.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for adding to the post! It's really important that people see this kind of thing and have it be deemed as important and not just another inspirational speech to honor the staff and follow the rules, but to respect the people doing so much for us.
Agreed, and thank you for making this. Actions speak louder than words, and we've had enough little speeches about how great the staff team is. There's so many that they no longer mean much.


Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Mar 22, 2017
This is a nice post, I hope the community does help out :) The staff team exists to help monitor players that need monitoring- I'm glad to say I don't have to always be a staff in game- I get to be a player, especially when people aren't starting arguments or breaking the rules in chat. Also, to your point about suggesting things, I always find that acknowledging the other side of an argument is crucial- it eases the conversation and shows that you are a mature person bringing up a point, NOT trying to create drama or argue. Also, never take the comments personally people say to you! If you have a problem with an argument someone is making, I would recommend trying to talk it out in dm's or a private conversation- respectfully, of course ;)


Well-Known Member
This is a nice post, I hope the community does help out :) The staff team exists to help monitor players that need monitoring- I'm glad to say I don't have to always be a staff in game- I get to be a player, especially when people aren't starting arguments or breaking the rules in chat. Also, to your point about suggesting things, I always find that acknowledging the other side of an argument is crucial- it eases the conversation and shows that you are a mature person bringing up a point, NOT trying to create drama or argue. Also, never take the comments personally people say to you! If you have a problem with an argument someone is making, I would recommend trying to talk it out in dm's or a private conversation- respectfully, of course ;)
Yes, I can be rather defensive at times. However, I find that some people don't give you counterpoints, they just mob you and either set up a strawman or just quote you on things you never said.


Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Mar 22, 2017
Yes, I can be rather defensive at times. However, I find that some people don't give you counterpoints, they just mob you and either set up a strawman or just quote you on things you never said.
Yes, and this is hard. The world, sadly, isn't made of up people who are all sugary sweet (I would be a cannibal if so lmao), but we must do what we can to present our opinion in the way it will be heard, while trying not to be rude to anyone :)

Also I really don't mean this at you, you seem like a very nice person


Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Oct 14, 2017
Google maps
You say suggestions get turned down?
Nah, they just get no replies, or no work. Honestly at this point it amazes me. I do not understand the current goal of the staffteam. Is it to keep the players we have? Or have new players join?

Ofc Coban now is bussy working on the lagg, and he's also a human, can't always be awake working on that stuff.
But what exactly is nibble doing? Generally interested, Is it Vehicles, Fixing the Economy, boxing or soccer plugin, new events?
Joey wasn't doing a thing either, think he did transfers once.
Ofc 2 Jr Admins recently left, so at this exact moment staff is a little messy and promotions are given a little earlier then expected.
I don't judge. But this server is running behind, people are getting bored and the Economy gets messy. People give solutions and they just get NO Reply. Or they do get a reply and then never are mentioned again....

I really want to become staff honestly, I want to learn, grow and put in the work. I want to know why certain plugins get lost and never are added. I want to see how staff is organized and I want to help make those events come to the server.

I still wonder, my theory of staff waiting for a certain someone to apply doesn't work anymore. It has been to long..

just some thoughts. Don't forget I still love this server xD


Well-Known Member
You say suggestions get turned down?
Nah, they just get no replies, or no work. Honestly at this point it amazes me. I do not understand the current goal of the staffteam. Is it to keep the players we have? Or have new players join?

Ofc Coban now is bussy working on the lagg, and he's also a human, can't always be awake working on that stuff.
But what exactly is nibble doing? Generally interested, Is it Vehicles, Fixing the Economy, boxing or soccer plugin, new events?
Joey wasn't doing a thing either, think he did transfers once.
Ofc 2 Jr Admins recently left, so at this exact moment staff is a little messy and promotions are given a little earlier then expected.
I don't judge. But this server is running behind, people are getting bored and the Economy gets messy. People give solutions and they just get NO Reply. Or they do get a reply and then never are mentioned again....

I really want to become staff honestly, I want to learn, grow and put in the work. I want to know why certain plugins get lost and never are added. I want to see how staff is organized and I want to help make those events come to the server.

I still wonder, my theory of staff waiting for a certain someone to apply doesn't work anymore. It has been to long..

just some thoughts. Don't forget I still love this server xD
Ideas aren't turned down by staff, they're attacked and attacked and attacked by players. What annoys me is that those players don't have any ideas of their own. It's all complaining, no fixing.


Well-Known Member
Former Staff
Oct 14, 2017
Google maps
Ideas aren't turned down by staff, they're attacked and attacked and attacked by players. What annoys me is that those players don't have any ideas of their own. It's all complaining, no fixing.
They play dont create. You say a movie sucks but you cant create a movie. Do you need to? No ofc not. If there is lagg or people get bored you can complain. Let smart people fix it. But many issues have been addressed and have not even been replied to by staff. Except that one time where sundae wanted to balwipe us all... bad ideas sundae... bad.. ideas xd


Well-Known Member
They play dont create. You say a movie sucks but you cant create a movie. Do you need to? No ofc not. If there is lagg or people get bored you can complain. Let smart people fix it. But many issues have been addressed and have not even been replied to by staff. Except that one time where sundae wanted to balwipe us all... bad ideas sundae... bad.. ideas xd
Well, I gave ideas for a fix on the bail system in chat and like 4 people got mad at me. That's different from creating a movie, as I'm not asking them to create something huge, merely to offer their own suggestions before jumping on their keyboards for an opportunity to vent anger like a dog to a thrown frisbee.


You say suggestions get turned down?
Nah, they just get no replies, or no work. Honestly at this point it amazes me. I do not understand the current goal of the staffteam. Is it to keep the players we have? Or have new players join?

Ofc Coban now is bussy working on the lagg, and he's also a human, can't always be awake working on that stuff.
But what exactly is nibble doing? Generally interested, Is it Vehicles, Fixing the Economy, boxing or soccer plugin, new events?
Joey wasn't doing a thing either, think he did transfers once.
Ofc 2 Jr Admins recently left, so at this exact moment staff is a little messy and promotions are given a little earlier then expected.
I don't judge. But this server is running behind, people are getting bored and the Economy gets messy. People give solutions and they just get NO Reply. Or they do get a reply and then never are mentioned again....

I really want to become staff honestly, I want to learn, grow and put in the work. I want to know why certain plugins get lost and never are added. I want to see how staff is organized and I want to help make those events come to the server.

I still wonder, my theory of staff waiting for a certain someone to apply doesn't work anymore. It has been to long..

just some thoughts. Don't forget I still love this server xD
Literally after criticizing all that you end with wanting to be staff smh
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So I have been on McCities for around a year and a half now. I have seen multiple staff be hired, demoted, resign, etc. McCities is an economic city server, not a minigames server. I have said in the past that putting some server aspects in the hands of players will promote the private sector which I believe in a strong private sector is a good economy. However, last summer McCities got over 90 players with updates such as smartwatches, companies, a fun community etc. This summer we reached what like 40-60 players which is still a great achievement. You have to remember that McCities has mostly 1 person adding new plugins and giving the server its basic gameplay and that's @nibble. Coban ofc is the servers new developer and he is currently working on that. Since I have been a player multiple updates that have made McCities a better place has been added such as bank robbery, exams, the wild was reset, smartwatches, company plugin, stock plugin, mining became a job, the school has prospered etc. Although I have my suggestions and concerns too the majority of the server is prospering. Literally, 1 person, Kiri has been running the gameplay of the server and look how far we have come. I see 100% all of your points but again there is a suggestions area on here for you to make suggestions and Nibble reads them. He has even encouraged players to make suggestions read @Arius staff book. The staff team is constantly changing but are working in game to make sure the gameplay is going smoothly. We players have a responsibility ourselves to make suggestions, be in communication with staff, make sure we report players who are breaking rules, help the economy in any way we can, make private companies or businesses with new features for players to enjoy while staff is adding plugins, island owners can add public features to visit, etc. McCities has been around for around four years now and from my examination, it is nowhere near going under. The server is growing with new features, new players with great suggestions, a structured system McCities has one of the best city setups I have witnessed. The server can improve yes and I see that every day. New plugins take time I have heard there are lots of updates coming. Just today Coban added a new profile and rep system and he said more features will be coming. Nibble just recently added the stock plugin and 2 server admins just resigned causing a short chaos in the police system. The school currently has no principals so Kiri is dealing with that. Yes, in the past I have disagreed with staff, even Coban, and Kiri but I have never doubted that the server is going under and that statement is pretty premature.