Recent content by MagicalPanguin

  1. MagicalPanguin

    Gonna be my last forums post lads.

    Sup dudes, got banned from the discord . the server. and probs now the forums, this gonna be my last forums post so yeah umm where do i begin, cities been a fun server. but its been sad to see it gradually decline in popularity, for the most part you are all pretty chill peeps. so cya round...
  2. MagicalPanguin

    wagwan gs, not getting unbanned <3 all further appeals denied rip #PrayForPanguin2K19

    wagwan gs, not getting unbanned <3 all further appeals denied rip #PrayForPanguin2K19
  3. MagicalPanguin

    Selling let’s get broke bois

    im interested in the factory
  4. MagicalPanguin

    We Want You To Be Heard!

    an eco wipe would fix all the money thats stockpiled and all the houses that belong to players that dont play
  5. MagicalPanguin

    We Want You To Be Heard!

    just brainstorming ideas :)
  6. MagicalPanguin

    We Want You To Be Heard!

    that way the tax is balanced for everyone ^
  7. MagicalPanguin

    We Want You To Be Heard!

  8. MagicalPanguin

    We Want You To Be Heard!

    i feel like instead of taking money from players based on their plots etc there should just be a weekly tax of say 5-10%
  9. MagicalPanguin

    We Want You To Be Heard!

    i reckon we need an eco wipe, would fix literally everything
  10. MagicalPanguin


    seb yes. The subnautic spoon
  11. MagicalPanguin


    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i was gonna be like spongebob ;c