Recent content by Optic

  1. Optic

    Selling TigaMansion Auction!

    lykkee 1.5m
  2. Optic


    user: lykkee bid: 1.5mil plot: GrizzlyRanch
  3. Optic

    i have thought about it sire laggy. not too sure if my skills could out beat the competition of...

    i have thought about it sire laggy. not too sure if my skills could out beat the competition of these wonderful players <3
  4. Optic

    Well then lads.

    ciao thicc boi- thx for getting me some moneys for thy plots hehe <3 come and troll the server every once in a while will ya, it gets kinda borin here
  5. Optic

    Selling [Round 5] McCities Official Plot Auction

    ign: bimyouu plot: amb2 bid: 12 million reasoning: I’m currently looking for a large enough plot to fit a modern mansion/museum on to show to the public what McCities has gone through over the years. Seeing as the plot needs updating, it’ll look exactly like a mini mansion but with a twist...
  6. Optic

    Selling [Round 5] McCities Official Plot Auction

    ign: bimyouu plot: amb2 bid: 8.5million reasoning: I’m currently looking for a large enough plot to fit a modern mansion/museum on to show to the public what McCities has gone through over the years. Seeing as the plot needs updating, it’ll look exactly like a mini mansion but with a twist...
  7. Optic

    regioned incorrectly

    ign: bimyouu name of region: h630 was it on an island: no Pretty much, I bought the plot yesterday at one of the restarts and noticed the region is completely off. I don't have access to build/destroy in the house or to unlock things. However, I have perms to destroy blocks far outside the...
  8. Optic

    Admin made things awkward

    lol mate you need to calm yourself. if your parents don’t let you play a minecraft server then don’t blame someone who tries their hardest to better the server for others. take a break off forums and perhaps not give us a constant 24/7 update of your life. just a suggestion love- you’re kinda...
  9. Optic

    3-Year Anniversary

    grata on 3 years ole pal. you truly have come a long way <3
  10. Optic

    Completed creative to le city

    username: bimyouu creative plot: /plot tp Hawheeze 4 city plot: urbanhouse2 There are two different builds for it. Please transfer the one outlined in white carpet
  11. Optic

    arch request ._.

    ign: bimyouu region: urbanhouse2 size: 34x35 type of build: traditional home (similar to those around) interior: yes please :) basements: 2-3, 1 being storage & throw in like a movie theater & bowling alley on other floors specific features: idc, just make it coolio budget & date to finish: ya...
  12. Optic

    i’ll miss ya.. we may not have talked much or at all, but you had a really good impact on those...

    i’ll miss ya.. we may not have talked much or at all, but you had a really good impact on those struggling on the server. farewell & until next time <3
  13. Optic

    Trump's One Year Staff Post :D

    awh ole gabers is gettin all sappy. makin me tear up for no reason, golly gee
  14. Optic

    Selling Mythics

    ye title explains it... just use tis lil cutie -> :shrug: lmao if it doesn't work here's the link itself -> so ye just like mail me offers, dm on disc kate#6900, or leave offers on this page enjoy & if enough sell, i'll add prot 7 to the list <3