Recent content by Otter5162

  1. Otter5162

    OMEGA Hiring Today!

    Name: Otter5162 /ar time: 1 day, 45 minutes Rank: Citizen Time per day: I am usually on 5 days a week and hour a day or less during the week, 1 hour+ on the weekends I feel I am suited for this role because I am dedicated to the tasks given too me. One of my greatest pet peeves is when people...
  2. Otter5162

    DTACorp, a company of the future. [Official]

    Username: Otter5162 Current McCities rank (Citizen, Elite etc): Resident Your time in-game (do /ar check): 12 hours 15 minutes Your rep points (do /rep): 0 Please state your previous job experience (what job you are in in /jobs, your job interest): I am currently a fisherman and also have...
  3. Otter5162

    Beachside Hospital

    how do we know if we got a job?