Recent content by shroomchi

  1. shroomchi

    IMPORTANT Halloween 2024 & Other info

    Our Halloween Event is slightly late this year, but it is here nonetheless! It will run until November 10th to give everyone enough time to redeem prizes from the events. Players will be able to access all three of this year’s events at /warp hEvent. Trick or Treating Directly behind the warp...
  2. shroomchi

    [Arch App] Patty__Mayo Trial Arch App

    Accepted. /warp TrialArch in game and /p auto to claim a plot. Once you've submitted 3 completed builds of your skill set just reply to this thread. Good luck.
  3. shroomchi

    Completed creative plot to medplot-11

    Completed. Transfer Voucher redeemed.
  4. shroomchi

    Resolved SUING

    Settled in game. Bbq has returned the hat // Kermi paid out $250k in builder fees. Verdict decided by ttammyy (Unofficial court rep)
  5. shroomchi

    Completed arch - city

    Total is $257,312 -$100,00 = $157,312
  6. shroomchi

    Accepted Ban appeal

    Be sure to apologize to TallDino when you come back. Breaking the rules because you're bored is also a pretty lame excuse. Nonetheless here's your 2nd chance. Ban will be reduced to 7 days and permissions to use the vehicles will be revoked. Appeal accepted.
  7. shroomchi

    Accepted sebastiaan153's ban appeal

    Please go over our allowed mods in this section: And follow all of our rules: - Ban will be reduced to 2 days - Please review our regulations and remove any mods. You will have to send proof of...
  8. shroomchi

    Completed transfer

    Build needs to be furnished if you want it moved to the city. Current cost for transfer: $6,892 Will leave the thread open for 1 Week (Pending)
  9. shroomchi

    Completed Creative to City

    Completed. Charged $129, 365 Message me if you have any questions or concerns with the transfer.
  10. shroomchi

    Completed Survival to Creative

    Please follow the correct format & detail the location of the builds
  11. shroomchi

    Completed Survival to Creative

    Please follow the correct format & detail the location of the builds
  12. shroomchi

    Accepted bbqchiq's Arch App

    Very lovely showcase, your attention to detail is stunning. Your terrain especially feels very lush and natural. Looking forward to working with you in the future, welcome to the team.
  13. shroomchi

    Completed Creative to Survival

    Transfer cost $29,468 Pre-approved and proceeding with the transfer. Message me if there are any issues with the transfer.