Recent content by Simon32336

  1. Simon32336

    I long for an mccities instagram or an mccitiee subreddit.

    :eek: MehLife actually talking on forums shocking
  2. Simon32336

    Ltg_Flipper's Goodbye Post ;(

  3. Simon32336

    Guys, I am Leaving for A Long Long Time

    didnt know you, but good luck in life m8
  4. Simon32336

    Ltg_Flipper's Goodbye Post ;(

  5. Simon32336

    Selling All me plots are up

    oh no is the best shop around closing D:< @SirKosmo
  6. Simon32336

    Selling [Round 5] McCities Official Plot Auction

    no offer, but ily @lostinthewqrld
  7. Simon32336

    laggynab is big chad <3

    laggynab is big chad <3
  8. Simon32336

    Repair Tokens

    agreed jazz
  9. Simon32336

    Search Warrants added

    good thing i already left server then lmao dont have to deal with more police abuse
  10. Simon32336

    Search Warrants added

    @Trump15024 wasnt their a pole a while ago about this being added back and no one wanted it
  11. Simon32336

    Search Warrants added

    wasn't there a pole for this a while back and almost everyone said no
  12. Simon32336

    F in chat

    heyo lads/las, this is gonna be the last of me for now at least, i have some stuff i have to deal w my gran/papi (they're in their late 80s') i hope i'll be able to join back eventually, as most people know i dont like things to be dragged on for to long or get all sappy and stuff so heres what...
  13. Simon32336

    this might be goodbye.

    later mable u have my discord so dm me if u wanna talk
  14. Simon32336

    new apt rules

    the new rules for apt regions is insane, i own 3 different apt buildings, all of which where unregioned for being to small, and not being furnitioned, they are smaller then alot of other peoples apt but the only people that own the huge massive ones are people who have hundereds of millions of $...
  15. Simon32336

    House break in

    Username: SImon32336 What you were doing before this occurred: so i have no idea how i was killed(3 days ago on novemeber 28th), all ik is i logged in and i was dead inside my house, no idea how as there are iron doors, piston doors, ect. What you've lost (Only if you lost something) or what...