Recent content by XxCirnoxX

  1. XxCirnoxX

    I started reading a book about an immortal dog its impossible to put down

    I started reading a book about an immortal dog its impossible to put down
  2. XxCirnoxX

    Denied Ban appeal 101

    time seems fair, we need more players
  3. XxCirnoxX

    Case Closed Massive theft case

    And the hunt begins *joins server*
  4. XxCirnoxX

    Case Closed Massive theft case

    I mean I only steal from unlocked apartments for resources I'm too lazy to grind for, I never do it just to trash the player, just for projects
  5. XxCirnoxX

    What does a bungee cord and a condom have in common? Your life is over if they break

    What does a bungee cord and a condom have in common? Your life is over if they break
  6. XxCirnoxX

    Accepted Ban appeal

    Arrigato Shroomchi-san!
  7. XxCirnoxX

    Accepted Ban appeal

    Minecraft Username: XxCirnoxX The staff that banned you: @Trump15024 Reason for ban: Disrespect + harassment Proof against the ban: None I would like to join back as I have many projects to still do, one of which is finishing the house I am living at. The reasn why I was banned is raging at...
  8. XxCirnoxX

    Denied Ban appeal

    Get the **** out of my reply bray you of all people are not welcome in it
  9. XxCirnoxX

    Denied Ban appeal

    Just to add, I took a walk to calm my anger, but at the very least can you enforce a rule on exploiting a pvp area? At the very least this would void a lot of issues in the future, or move merchant somewhere else thats not pvp. Looking back it was a very foolish mistake to rage that way, but can...
  10. XxCirnoxX

    Denied Ban appeal

    Username: XxCirnoxX (Cirno#7471) Staff who banned: trump15024 Banned for: Disrespect + Harassment (perm) Proof Against: No proof against because I own up to what I said, but are you kidding me? Perm ban? The dude always kills me EVERY day, All I want to do is my daily mythic drops and I have to...