Denied Ban appeal

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New Member
Aug 10, 2022
Username: XxCirnoxX (Cirno#7471)
Staff who banned: trump15024
Banned for: Disrespect + Harassment (perm)
Proof Against: No proof against because I own up to what I said, but are you kidding me? Perm ban? The dude always kills me EVERY day, All I want to do is my daily mythic drops and I have to make it when he's offline, why do I have to cancel my plans because this guy has so much time on his hand that he camps black market 16 hours a day, WHERE THE MERCHANT IS!!!! Yeah I raged and snapped, it's EVERY TIME he does this I never get a break, and I can't even do mythic drops anywhere else. why does nothing happen to him? I get why I was banned, I said things I didn't but seriously how can I do mythic drops and daily activities that involve black market if this guy always, ALWAYS, camps there, it pisses me off so bad, this is literally the 43rd time he has done this it's so stupid and aggravating. Do you want me to buy from your freakin store, is that why he is here? IF I CAN JUST DO MY DAILY ACTIVITIES IN PEACE ILL BUY SOMETHING FINE


New Member
Aug 10, 2022
Just to add, I took a walk to calm my anger, but at the very least can you enforce a rule on exploiting a pvp area? At the very least this would void a lot of issues in the future, or move merchant somewhere else thats not pvp. Looking back it was a very foolish mistake to rage that way, but can we do something about this, thank you for giving me your time. The ice Fairy of the Lake: Cirno


Active Member
May 26, 2019
1. You told me to kms multiple times + other amazing things... even if you see me online you call me stuff, which doesn't make much since if you "take a walk to calm you're anger"

2. I never target you nor do I camp the market, you went into a PVP zone which means you are most likely going to be killed, I am a criminal which means I kill people (I also get paid to do so) so there is legit no hard feelings when i kill you in the market

3. Even if you get killed that doesn't mean you should tell me to do things like that, after all it is legit a block game.

4. You never once owned up to it for what I've seen and there is multiple witnesses every time you say stuff to me so there is major proof of your actions

5. I never broke a single rule while killing you.. you walked into a marked pvp zone which tells you when you warp so I dont understand your point of "Exploiting the pvp zone"

Lastly I'm going to say to think next time before you go telling people to off themselves, because that's the last thing you should ever tell anyone especially in these circumstances, anyways just wanted to comment on above ^^^ have a great day..

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New Member
Aug 10, 2022
1. You told me to kms multiple times + other amazing things... even if you see me online you call me stuff, which doesn't make much since if you "take a walk to calm you're anger"

2. I never target you nor do I camp the market, you went into a PVP zone which means you are most likely going to be killed, I am a criminal which means I kill people (I also get paid to do so) so there is legit no hard feelings when i kill you in the market

3. Even if you get killed that doesn't mean you should tell me to do things like that, after all it is legit a block game.

4. You never once owned up to it for what I've seen and there is multiple witnesses every time you say stuff to me so there is major proof of your actions

5. I never broke a single rule while killing you.. you walked into a marked pvp zone which tells you when you warp so I dont understand your point of "Exploiting the pvp zone"

Lastly I'm going to say to think next time before you go telling people to off themselves, because that's the last thing you should ever tell anyone especially in these circumstances, anyways just wanted to comment on above ^^^ have a great day..

Get the **** out of my reply bray you of all people are not welcome in it


Telling players to kill themselves multiple times and disrespecting the server and its player isn't appropriate. If you felt like you were being harassed, you should've told a staff member. Your behavior in the ban appeal further reflects you are not serious about joining back. Your ban will remain. You can appeal your ban again in seven days. Denied.
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