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  1. Cozmicraft

    Things Recently Discussed on the Server, and Deserve to be seen here

    Cozmicraft-In a nutshell is, "Imperfection makes us human"? Nah, if I was in a nutshell I would be yelling, "Help, I'm in a nutshell! Get me out this instant or I will snap you like a kit-kat!"
  2. Cozmicraft

    First Choice Bank is Now Hiring

    I think that they're beyond saving. Just push them off a cliff and pretend nothing happened.
  3. Cozmicraft

    Things Recently Discussed on the Server, and Deserve to be seen here

    Not you, I was just using pappy nibble as the catalyst of a cheap joke.
  4. Cozmicraft

    I think you're a quack.

    I think you're a quack.
  5. Cozmicraft

    Things Recently Discussed on the Server, and Deserve to be seen here

    This is a discussion, not an argument! Keep it friendly or pappy nibble will remove his like on your post!
  6. Cozmicraft

    I would be careful, that's kind of a hot topic right now. (Sorry, bad pun, I'll probably get a...

    I would be careful, that's kind of a hot topic right now. (Sorry, bad pun, I'll probably get a heated response)
  7. Cozmicraft

    Late congratulations on Sr.Mod!

    Late congratulations on Sr.Mod!
  8. Cozmicraft

    Tell me, how is Saturn these days?

    Tell me, how is Saturn these days?
  9. Cozmicraft

    Things Recently Discussed on the Server, and Deserve to be seen here

    What I meant by "No fixing", was that players will often mob you in chat, saying how bad the idea is, or how untrue it is (When really it is true), but give no ideas of their own. When they see a problem, all they do is criticize other people's ways to fix it rather than come up with their own...
  10. Cozmicraft

    Things Recently Discussed on the Server, and Deserve to be seen here

    Yep. I get that the devs are hard at work, but, generally, we don't get what we want and instead get an update that they think we need. It's almost condescending because it feels like they know what's best for us. Why even have a suggestions box if the devs will just add something else? Why...
  11. Cozmicraft

    Gracias por seguirme!

    Gracias por seguirme!
  12. Cozmicraft

    Things Recently Discussed on the Server, and Deserve to be seen here

    Well, I gave ideas for a fix on the bail system in chat and like 4 people got mad at me. That's different from creating a movie, as I'm not asking them to create something huge, merely to offer their own suggestions before jumping on their keyboards for an opportunity to vent anger like a dog...
  13. Cozmicraft

    Things Recently Discussed on the Server, and Deserve to be seen here

    Ideas aren't turned down by staff, they're attacked and attacked and attacked by players. What annoys me is that those players don't have any ideas of their own. It's all complaining, no fixing.
  14. Cozmicraft

    Things Recently Discussed on the Server, and Deserve to be seen here

    Yes, I can be rather defensive at times. However, I find that some people don't give you counterpoints, they just mob you and either set up a strawman or just quote you on things you never said.
  15. Cozmicraft

    Things Recently Discussed on the Server, and Deserve to be seen here

    Agreed, and thank you for making this. Actions speak louder than words, and we've had enough little speeches about how great the staff team is. There's so many that they no longer mean much.
  16. Cozmicraft

    Things Recently Discussed on the Server, and Deserve to be seen here

    The staff is sort of like our government. We don't really elect them, because nibble runs the show (No complaints), but they, ultimately, are there for us. It's so easy to look at the staff and think, "Oh, that would be easy. To have infinite power, and be able to do basically whatever."...
  17. Cozmicraft

    Leaving for some months

    Maybe now I can walk into the street without being stabbed ;) Cya Shakaar, we'll miss ya
  18. Cozmicraft

    Excuse me? I think you meant, "Being with a high intellectual capacity"

    Excuse me? I think you meant, "Being with a high intellectual capacity"