I am accusing WyattJimmieDale for stealing 420 sugar and 14533 for stealing 640 sugar from a chest at my house.
I am accusing them of taking my damn sugar like whayyy :cry:
Sundae22 has proof where u at girl
Hi I am buying a lot of teir 4 scrolls so hmu I am paying 60 to 100 thousand dollars for each scroll! Message me in game, disc, forums, mail me, and more thanks! :mad:
/plots home 7
Hello! I redid the upstairs and fixed the general interrior of sre3 on my /plots home 7 and I would like to transfer it to survival! The building is birch, sandstone, and has a stonebrick roof. Thanks!
/plots home 6
Hello! I redid the exterior of the original peds-sidehome region on my /plots home 6. The building is smooth sandstone with a BRICK roof. There is a mexican banner outside the house. Gracias!
It seems sort of rediculous to me
I shouldnt have to pay you a massive amount of money because you dont want to sell them at your company. Thats not fair to me. I just asked CreeperCJG who makes and sells electric motors and he wasnt sure how much they costed to make, but he gave me a...
Im sorry, nothing was wasted because of me. You have motors so you can sell them to someone else I really don't see the issue with that... unless nobody buys them because they are too expensive in which case I would politely agree with them. Players sell motors usually for 3k-6k, I asked Gj...
I mailed her 2 hours after I ordered it saying I had everything and I cancelled. I cancelled because I initially did not know the value of what I was buying therefore I trusted her with the price. I then learned that 149k for 12 motors and 32 alluminum bronze ingots was rediculously overpriced...
Hello! I would like to transfer Mansion-2 which is located on my /plots home 7. I added in a basement and redid the interior! The exterior is the same and it is jungle wood and gray concrete. Thanks so much and have a nice day!
/plots home 7
Hello! I would like to transfer a snow and acacia wood house to h53 plot which is located on my /plots home 7! Thanks so much!
/plots home 7
Hello I would like to transfer a cobblestone roofed house made of spruce on the water thats on my /plots home 7 plot. I redid the interior and fixed a bit of the outside as well. Thanks a gallon! P.S. there are chests in the basement that were...