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  1. Powerfull

    Favorite Ice Cream

    Yassssss I luv da c00keez and scream xD Also, third xD
  2. Powerfull

    | Click Here |

    Fav thing: build, fav person: DelicateBean
  3. Powerfull

    This Needs To End Now

    So glad that u two have decided to work together!!!
  4. Powerfull

    Omg I gave u like 40 likes xD

    Omg I gave u like 40 likes xD
  5. Powerfull

    This Needs To End Now

    Clarification: no bean isn't :P
  6. Powerfull


  7. Powerfull

    O.o how u got 1.1k likes and only 350 messages O.o

    O.o how u got 1.1k likes and only 350 messages O.o
  8. Powerfull

    This Needs To End Now

    Lol, just lol xDDDDDDDDDD
  9. Powerfull

    Jabu, u seen the MCCA build lately? I want advice :D

    Jabu, u seen the MCCA build lately? I want advice :D
  10. Powerfull

    This Needs To End Now

    Trump, he's trying to apologize, and forgive, hope you read my post above :D hope you and us all can be kind to each other again :D
  11. Powerfull

    very important.

    Why u r welcome :P Lmao
  12. Powerfull

    very important.

    Well den, happy belated bday :D
  13. Powerfull

    HELP!!! ***NOT CLICKBAIT!***

    Agreed :P I'm wondering how many will say half empty xD
  14. Powerfull

    This Needs To End Now

    Pixel, I forgot to quote you in my post, but I fully agree, ur last sentence is basically a sum up of my whole post :D so sorry for anything I have ever done to u, CP42
  15. Powerfull

    This Needs To End Now

    Thank you, first off, Marie, that is very nice, by u deserve it more than me from what I've seen :D Lauren- I am being sincere here and asking you to stop posting the 'least fav person' on my profile, because I know u are smart, and know that's not tru! Now to be sincere again, Om very sorry...
  16. Powerfull

    HELP!!! ***NOT CLICKBAIT!***

    Gg xD :D :p O.o (That's all I know xD)
  17. Powerfull

    Stop! I'm serious, it's untru!!!

    Stop! I'm serious, it's untru!!!
  18. Powerfull

    Also, youse isn't following this CP dude!!! That's who my missing 26th follower was xDDD

    Also, youse isn't following this CP dude!!! That's who my missing 26th follower was xDDD
  19. Powerfull

    Gg on 500 likes :P half way to me, and 1/19 to nibble xDDD

    Gg on 500 likes :P half way to me, and 1/19 to nibble xDDD
  20. Powerfull

    HELP!!! ***NOT CLICKBAIT!***

    Ok... this must be settled... is the glass half empty or half full?!? Please comment down below, in 1 week, the winner shall be decided!!!!