Search results

  1. Optic

    Creative Transfer #3

    Username: _GinevraWeasley_ Creative Plot: Plot 3 (The house next to the skyscraper) City Plot: bludhouse-20
  2. Optic

    Completed Creative Transfer #2

    Username: _GinevraWeasley_ Creative Plot: Plot 3 (Small modern home,behind the one for davehouse) City Plot: star-city-44
  3. Optic

    Creative Transfer

    Username: _GinevraWeasley_ Creative Plot: Plot 3 (One with sugarcanes around it) City Plot: davehouse-6
  4. Optic

    Resolved Cheap Plot

    _GinevraWeasley Plot:Bludhouse-20 I would like to pay fair price, I bought for 1000.
  5. Optic

    Resolved Plots for Unfair Prices

    _GinevraWeasley_ Plots:star-city-44 & davehouse-6 I got star city for 0 and davehouse for 1000. I would like to pay the price and possibly keep it.
  6. Optic

    House Reviews?

    When your going through the resell list and you see houses that are either way to over priced or have issues with it, why not be able to write a review when you visit the house/plot. It's basically like what some prison servers or creative servers do by allowing you to write reviews saying ,"I...
  7. Optic

    Selling Bludsky-6

    I am currently starting an auction for bludsky-6! To give you the gist on the build, it is a twisted tower. You can use it for almost anything: companies,apartments,storage, etc.. It has more than 20 floors for anything you would need. Starting Bid: 600k Pictures of every floor --->...
  8. Optic

    Completed Transfer Request

    Username: _GinevraWeasley_ Creative Plot: Plot 3 ( Small modern house) City Plot: underdasea-6
  9. Optic

    Completed Transfer Request

    Username: _GinevraWeasley_ Creative Plot: Plot 3 ( It's the big skyscraper) City Plot: bludsky-6
  10. Optic

    Lost Everything In My Inventory

    Username: _GinevraWeasley_ What you were doing before this occurred: I was in creative building the previous day and logged off to sleep. Come to find out today when I go to my apartment that all of my items were gone! What you've lost (Only if you've lost something): I lost a police helm...
  11. Optic

    Buying Mansions & Huge Plots

    I am currently in the market for any mansion plots and/or decently sized plots for a new company. Budget: 1.6m If you have any plots please mail me (/mail send _GinevraWeasley_) or leave a comment! Thanks, Ginny
  12. Optic

    Selling Gocondo-1

    I am currently selling gocondo-1 and wanted to know if anyone has any thoughts and how much to sell it for. Please mail me in-game (/mail send _GinevraWeasley_) or leave a comment down below. Thanks!