Search results

  1. Cursed

    Completed h209

    Username: AngelOfFire2015 Creative plot: /plot h 1 (mantjas) City plot you want the build moved to: h209 Thank you, plot plot technically has 1 basement so plz copy that 2 (there's 1 under the stairs so the 1 under that) Proof that mantjas accepts the transfer:
  2. Cursed

    Completed bh11

    Username: AngelOfFire2015 Creative plot: /plot h 7 City plot you want the build moved to: bh11
  3. Cursed

    Completed h131

    Username: AngelOfFire2015 Creative plot: /plot h 6 City plot you want the build moved to: h131 Thank you
  4. Cursed

    city to creative

    Nicolebike66 h40 to /plot h 6
  5. Cursed


    So tomorrow (Saturday for me) i will try my best to see if i could come on as tomorrow my internet is being cut off and idk when i will get it back, this also means i can't check forums or discord. @Gabriel you can take the Multi-Tool VIIs and pay me for when im able to get back on if we don't...
  6. Cursed


    Username: Nicoelbike66 Creative plot: /plot h 6 City plot you want the build moved to: sky135
  7. Cursed

    Creative to Creative

    Username: Nicolebike66 Creative plot: /plot home AqqL 4 Creative plot you want the build moved to: /plot home Nicolebike66 I want the building from AqqLs plot to be moved to mine as i am building it and later transfering it to my city plot.
  8. Cursed

    Denied 2nd Arch app

    1. What is your username?: Nicolebike66 2. What is your server rank? (do /ar check): Citizen (might be Executive) 3. Do you have a discord account? (Yes | No | Willing to make one): Yes 4. What plot(s) would you like to submit? (/plot home <number>): /plot h 1 /plot home 2 /plot home 5 /plot...
  9. Cursed


    Username: Nicolebike66 Creative plot: /plot h 3 City plot you want the build moved to: p43 P.S The transfer house has 5 basements and i do not want to copy any basements that are under it
  10. Cursed

    Buying Buying an Apartment building

    Hello I am buying an apartment building or a plot i can turn into an apartment building! My balance can change all the time so ye.. Under this post if your selling a plot (that i can turn into an apartment building) or apartment building say the plot name and how much you might sell it for! Thanks,
  11. Cursed


    Username: Nicolebike66 Creative plot you want build moved to: /plot home 3 (u can delete bunnyears house if you want) City plot: p43 P.S Has like 5-8 basements
  12. Cursed

    Denied Nicole's' Arch App

    1. What is your username?: Nicolebike66 2. What is your server rank? (do /ar check): Citizen (might be Executive) 3. Do you have a discord account? (Yes | No | Willing to make one): Yes 4. What plot(s) would you like to submit? (/plot home <number>): /plot h 1 /plot home 2 /plot home 5 /plot...
  13. Cursed

    Arch App Question

    If you want to apply for arch do you need to build the build in mccities or can it be on another server but u need to take screen shots?
  14. Cursed


    Ok so /find doesn't show you all the houses or apartments for sale or sometimes the owner didn't set a tp. I want /find to get upgraded so it goes to all the things that are getting sold in order or in alphabetical order and for the people that didn't set a tp staff could try and go set a tp for...
  15. Cursed

    Transfer try?

    Username: Nicolebike66 Creative plot: /plot home 3 City plot you want the build moved to: bunnyears7 The creative plot has 2 basements
  16. Cursed

    Resolved /bank bug (includes withdrawing and depositing)

    Username: Nicolebike66 What you were doing before this occurred: trying to see how much money i have altogether in bank and balance. What you've lost (Only if you lost something): nothing.
  17. Cursed


    Username: Nicolebike66 Creative plot: /plot home 3 City plot you want the build moved to: bunnyears7 There are 2 basements, and so far i am not sure if DevilishMango will take the stuff out of the chests.. I will make a further notice if she doesn't care about the stuff.
  18. Cursed

    Another transfer

    Username: Nicolebike66 City plot: bunnyears7 Creative plot you want build moved to: /plot h 3 (if needed to delete old house) P.S bunnyears has 1 basement and 1 that was sort of going to be made in survival
  19. Cursed

    Creative to Survival

    Username: Nicolebike66 Creative plot: /plot h 3 City plot you want the build moved to: maplehouse1 There is 1 basement and the holes in the floor under the chests are suppose to be there, Thank you
  20. Cursed

    Resolved Voting Bug?

    Username: Nicolebike66 What you were doing before this occurred: I was on the voting links voting and checking if i got my rewards. What you've lost (Only if you lost something): IDK if this count as loosing but i lost all my voting rewards. @Magic_Terminator has also voted and has not received...