Username: Smilinq
Arch Plot: /plot home 3 (Build is yellow and gray located @ -1916/65/594)
City Plot: Goh21 (Owned By @XXInsertNameXX, they will pay transfer costs)
@Twist was left at the altar today by @VerySmolBirb. Sad day! Many of the servers regular saw it unfold.
Join us next time on smol news for more breaking news
if you could transfer from the city world to the arch world that would be very appreciated!
Username: Smilinq
City plot: goh4
Arch plot you want it transferred to: /plot home3
Thanks in advance, have a lovely day :)
Once again I'm on the look out for a mansion, Trying to spend under 3 million but if you have something slightly more contact me too!
Thanks - Contact me via Discord @ Smilinq#3445
Username: Smilinq
Creative Plot: /plot home 3 (House is gray, white, brick, With garage & bee [The smaller one not the large mansion next to it]
City Plot: go108
Sorry for swamping the transfers );
Thanks in advance :)