Search results

  1. Smilinq

    Completed City TO Arch

    Smilinq City Plot: plot-005 Arch plot to transfer it to: /plot home 5
  2. Smilinq

    Buying Looking for a factory

    Looking to buy a factory or storage plot - /mail me in game with what you got
  3. Smilinq

    Completed Transfer Request

    Username: Smilinq Arch Plot: /plot home 3 (Build is yellow and gray located @ -1916/65/594) City Plot: Goh21 (Owned By @XXInsertNameXX, they will pay transfer costs)
  4. Smilinq

    Completed City To Arch Transfer

    Username: Smilinq City Plot: h52 Arch plot: /plot home 5 Thanks, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year :)
  5. Smilinq

    Merry Christmas

    Wishing everyone a safe & enjoyable Christmas. Please drive safe if your travelling Merry Christmas
  6. Smilinq

    City To Arch

    Hello! :D Smilinq City Plot: Shorelineh1 Transfer it to /plot home 5 please Thanks, much appreciated
  7. Smilinq

    City To Arch

    Smilinq City Plot: Expomansion2 Arch plot: /plot home 3 or 4 (Preferably 3 but if there isn't room, 4 thanks
  8. Smilinq

    Completed Transfer Request

    Smilinq /plot Home 3 (Shop, Brick & Green terracotta, located on main road) nsky1 (Bpacer will pay transfer Fees) Thanks :D
  9. Smilinq

    Completed Transfer Request

    Smilinq /plot home 3 (blue terracotta, appears purple in default texture house) goh4 Thanks in advance
  10. Smilinq

    Completed Transfer Request

    Username: Smilinq Client Name: Itzumar15 (they pay transfer) Creative Plot: /plot home1 (Its white, gray and has light gray accents City Plot: h1111
  11. Smilinq

    A sad day - Twist left at the altar

    @Twist was left at the altar today by @VerySmolBirb. Sad day! Many of the servers regular saw it unfold. Join us next time on smol news for more breaking news
  12. Smilinq

    Completed City TO Arch

    if you could transfer from the city world to the arch world that would be very appreciated! Username: Smilinq City plot: goh4 Arch plot you want it transferred to: /plot home3 Thanks in advance, have a lovely day :)
  13. Smilinq

    Will bank robber ever return, and if yes is there a rough timeline?

    Hi, Just a quick question: Will bank robbery ever return and if it will can you give any indication about when it will? Thanks @nibble @sundae22
  14. Smilinq

    Completed City To Arch

    Username: Smilinq City Plot: h550
  15. Smilinq

    Completed Survival to Arch

    Username Smilinq: City plot: a54 Arch plot /plot home 3
  16. Smilinq

    Buying Looking for a mansion - $3,000,000 Budget

    Once again I'm on the look out for a mansion, Trying to spend under 3 million but if you have something slightly more contact me too! Thanks - Contact me via Discord @ Smilinq#3445
  17. Smilinq

    Completed City to the arch world :D

    Hello, username: Smilinq City Plot: ad2 Arch world plot you want the build moved to? : /plot home 3 Thanks in advance, have a wonderful day!
  18. Smilinq

    Buying Looking for Mansion - 4 Mill Budget

    Looking to buy mansion, max 4 million -- Let me know what you have
  19. Smilinq

    Completed Transfer Request

    Username: Smilinq Creative Plot: /plot home 3 (Large Tower) City Plot: a64 Thanks In advance :)
  20. Smilinq

    Completed Transfer Request

    Username: Smilinq Creative Plot: /plot home 3 (House is gray, white, brick, With garage & bee [The smaller one not the large mansion next to it] City Plot: go108 Sorry for swamping the transfers ); Thanks in advance :)