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  1. pengyy

    Something that pisses me off

    *Incoming rant* So I was killing people and I got jailed, nothing wrong with that, I can completely understand. After 4 minutes I got released, and was told to go to court, I did, and I was told that I'd be jailed again or pay 6k bail. I found this absolutely stupid as I've already been jailed...
  2. pengyy


    So its come to my attention that Icanrekyouez has changed his name to Pengy1803. I'd like to clarify that he is not affiliated with me in any way. please do not fall for a scam. please let other people know as well. thank you
  3. pengyy

    Buying TIER 4 SCROLLS

    The title says it... I'll buy your tier 4 scrolls.. except adrenaline contact me in game : Pengy2552
  4. pengyy

    Completed Creative to City transfer

    Username : Pengy2552 Creative plot : /plot home 9 City plot : star-city-23 Thank you :D
  5. pengyy

    Completed Creative to City plot transfer

    Username : Pengy2552 Creative plot : Auraxien's plot -43;26. Its the white one with a wood slab roof and the words unicorn villa on a sign in front. City plot : Star-city-12 I will pay for this transfer. Thank you very much :D
  6. pengyy

    Completed Landlord Change

    Username : Pengy2552 Plots : H900 and amh46 I recently bought these plots and would like to become landlord. Thanks :)
  7. pengyy

    Completed Landlord Change

    Username : Pengy2552 City plot : Star-city-31 I recently bought this plot and would like to become landlord. Thanks :)
  8. pengyy

    Resolved Bank glitch

    This is a major glitch so I have decided to message the server owner and the admins in private chat. Thank you.
  9. pengyy

    Resolved Whole apartment building dissapeared.

    As you can see by this link : I recently had an apartment building landlord change so I could receive rent from the people living inside it. However all of a sudden today, I was unable to access this plot as it no longer existed. The plot name...
  10. pengyy

    Completed Whole plot just disappeared.

    As you can see by this link : I recently had a apartment building landlord change so I could receive rent from the people living inside it. However all of a sudden today, I was unable to access this plot as it no longer existed. The plot name...
  11. pengyy

    Landlord Change

    Username : Pengy2552 Plot : fn-3 I have bought this plot and would like to become the landlord. I would also like the rent for all of them to be changed to 200 dollars a week. Thank you very much for your time :D Have a nice day!!
  12. pengyy

    Changing rent

    Username : Pengy2552 Region : maplehouse17 I would like the rent to be changed from 250 to 200. Thank you very much for your time :D
  13. pengyy

    Landlord change

    Username : Pengy2552 Building plot : sky203 I have bought this plot and would like to become landlord, also can you change the rent prices to 200 a week, however keep the penthouse one at 750 a week. Thank you very much for your time :D
  14. pengyy

    Resolved Slimefun stuff turned into heads

    Username: Pengy2552 What you were doing before this occurred: Just logged on What you've lost (Only if you lost something) or what happened: 10 cargo input nodes turned into heads. Also a charging bench from my fishing shack turned into a crafting table, I have added it to the chest in h35...
  15. pengyy

    Resolved Slimefun stuff turned into heads/furnaces

    Username: Pengy2552 What you were doing before this occurred: logging on to the server. What you've lost (Only if you lost something) or what happened: I lost 1 output node Location: They are in a chest in my plot h35, the cords are x : 1295, y : 66, z : 576
  16. pengyy

    Creative to City Transfer :D

    Username: Pengy2552 Creative plot: /plot home 9 City plot you want the build moved to: go-modern07 Please transfer the basement as well, I do not wish to keep anything that is currently in the city plot. Thanks :D
  17. pengyy

    Region Report

    Region name: medplot-3 Owner of the region: S3b4s01
  18. pengyy

    Resolved Machines turned into heads :/

    Username: Pengy2552 What you were doing before this occurred: Waiting for server to be back online. What you've lost (Only if you lost something) or what happened: One of my nodes turned into heads. Location: My plot at h35 x:1289 y:66 z:572
  19. pengyy

    Plot transfer problem

    Username : Pengy2552 Plot : bludhouse-19 I had mentioned before that I wanted to keep the basement and only wanted the top of the plot transferred. Sorry for forgetting to mention again. Could you add the basement back please? As I wanted to keep the farm :D . Thanks ;)
  20. pengyy

    Lost all my votes and all my reputation.

    Username: Pengy2552 What you were doing before this occurred: I just logged on in the morning and did /vote but all my votes were gone. I also checked my rep and all of it was gone. What you've lost (Only if you lost something) or what happened: The votes doesn't really matter, however I lost...