Search results

  1. Obsidian

    Obsidian’s Transfer and Region Request

    Username: Obsidiangalaxy Creative plot: /plot home 1, large quartz skyscaper City plot you want the build moved to: willi-1 Could each room be put up for rent as $250/7 days And the top floor be for $750/7 days? Ty, Obsidiangalaxy
  2. Obsidian

    Obsidian's Transfer and Region Request

    Username: Obsidiangalaxy Creative plot: /plot home 1 large quartz skyscaper City plot you want the build moved to: willi-1 Could each room be regioned for 250/7 days All current rooms are unregioned Thank you, Obsidiangalaxy
  3. Obsidian

    Obsidian's Transfer Request

    Username: Obsidiangalaxy Creative plot: /plot home 2 the large home-with gray windows City plot you want the build moved to: amh52
  4. Obsidian

    Transfer/Region Request

    Username: Obsidiangalaxy Creative plot: /plot home 2 tall quartz skyscraper City plot you want the build moved to: willi-1 can each room be regioned for $250 and can an admin please make me the landlord?
  5. Obsidian

    Obsidian's Regioning Request

    Username: Obsidiangalaxy City plot: sky42 If an admin could please region the top rooms and make me the owner.
  6. Obsidian

    Hi (8 months late) xD

    By the time I realized I did not do one of these it was a little late xD. So hello I am Obsidian, but people always spell my name as obsidion. I love building alot so if u see me on the server I will most likely be building on creative for a project. Favorite Movies: Star Wars, any funny...
  7. Obsidian

    Obsidian's Small Mansion Transfer Request

    Username: Obsidiangalaxy Creative plot: Obsidiangalaxy /plot home 2 quartz mansion behind a skyscraper City plot you want the build moved to: e14 Thanks, Obsidiangalaxy
  8. Obsidian

    Landlord Transfer

    I just bought the plot ENDER-04 all I need is for an admin to make me landlord of this plot. Thanks, Obsidiangalaxy
  9. Obsidian

    Obsidian's Transfer/Regioning Request

    Username: Obsidiangalaxy Creative plot: Obsidiangalaxy's /plot home 2 City plot you want the build moved to: runapt5 If you could region each room to be $500 per week that would be amazing. Top floor I would like it not to be regioned. P.S. If you cannot region the rooms please do not transfer...
  10. Obsidian

    Obsidian's Regioning Request

    Username: Obsidiangalaxy Island Plot : runh016 I would like the chests to be regioned and every floor is a different room lower half $250/week top half $500/week and the top floor $1000/week does not have to be exact. If possible please put the rent signs on the black wool in the lobby. Thanks...
  11. Obsidian

    Obsidian's Regioning Request

    Username: Obsidiangalaxy Island Plot : runh016 I would like the chests not to be regioned but every floor is a different room lower half $250/week top half $500/week and the top floor $1000/week doesnt have to be exact. I made the rooms at least 6x6 and in a rectangle. If possible please put...
  12. Obsidian

    Denied Obsidian's Regioning Request

    Username: Obsidiangalaxy Island Plot: runh016 I want the bottom half of the floors to be $250/week and the top half of the floors to be $500/week And the top floor $1000/week for a penthouse. Also if the region does not meet requirments please tell me what to fix Thanks, Obsidian
  13. Obsidian

    Apartment Rules

    I wanted to make an apartment but staff keep denying my region request. I just want to know why? 1.How small can an apartment be? 2. What would be that price?
  14. Obsidian

    New Staff Suggestion

    My only suggestion is to add a staff that just does transfering and regioning requests.
  15. Obsidian

    Obsidian's Regioning Request

    Username: Obsidiangalaxy City plot: runh016 I want the 18 floors as 18 rooms regioned and every floor $500 per week and top floor $1000 per week Please put the rent signs on the black wool.
  16. Obsidian

    Obsidian's Regioning Request

    Username: Obsidiangalaxy City plot: runh016 I need 36 rooms regioned and put the rent signs only on the black wool also please remove the current region in the building. Thank you and i wont mind getting charged. Thanks, Obsidian
  17. Obsidian

    Obsidian's Regioning Request

    Code: Username: Obsidiangalaxy City plot: runh016 please make each floor at $500 per week besides the lobby and the basements
  18. Obsidian

    Suggestions From Obsidian

    1. every 5 to 10 votes you get a better reward 2. scamming should be bannable/suable 3. Lastly make a large building to hold new players before they find another plot
  19. Obsidian

    Buying Coal Generator/Small Energy Regulator

    Mail/msg me here or in game and we can make a compromise on a price. Thanks, Obsidian
  20. Obsidian

    Obsidian's Transfer Request

    Code: Spookyeve's first arch plot Username: Obsidiangalaxy Creative plot: Spookyeve's first arch plot City plot you want the build moved to: runh016 I would like the the blue and cyan clay skyscraper transferred I got Spooky's permission to use the building and Trump's permission to build a...