Search results

  1. Obsidian

    Completed Obsidian's Transfer Request

    Code: -39,-1 Username: Obsidiangalaxy Creative plot:-39,-1 City plot you want the build moved to: savanna-1 Notes: I have two buildings on my creative plot i just want the shorter one transferred and the current building on the city plot replaced. Thanks, Obsidian;)
  2. Obsidian

    Buying /Trading A Island Plot

    Hi guys I am currently looking for a plot on an island that I can make an apartment building on. The requirments are : must be on an island, at least 19x19, and near another skyscraper. The plot I will trade is bludclub–2 a 18x25 plot. Use /msg Obsidiangalaxy in game or message me here. Thanks...
  3. Obsidian

    Denied Obsidian's Transfer Request

    Code: -39:-1 Username:Obsidiangalaxy Creative plot:-39:-1 City plot you want the build moved to: bludclub-2 Please replace the building and region each floor I updated the build. Thanks, Obsidian
  4. Obsidian

    Denied Obsidian's Transfer Request

    Code: -39:-1 Username:Obsidiangalaxy Creative plot:-39:-1 City plot you want the build moved to: bludclub-2 Please replace the building and region each floor Thanks, Obsidian
  5. Obsidian

    Completed Obsidian's Transfer Request

    Code: -39:-1 Username:Obsidiangalaxy Creative plot: -39:-1 City plot you want the build moved to: h1116 Please remove my current building first then replace it Thank you, Obsidiangalaxy