Search results

  1. Tango

    Denied Ban Appeal

    Minecraft Username: Brian_Griffin The staff that banned you: @Trump1024 Reason for ban: Market Place Violation Proof against the ban: I am writing to request a reconsideration of the ban imposed on me for a violation that occurred in [2022]. I deeply regret my actions and the disruption they...
  2. Tango

    Denied ban appeal

    Minecraft Username: TangoHD The staff that banned you: @Trump15024 Reason for ban: Market Place Proof against the ban: I do understand it was wrong I want to explain why I was buying items. So around 2019 I had a blip quit lost of my all rare items blah blah blah when I joined the server back...
  3. Tango

    Denied Ban appeal?

    Minecraft Username: TangoHD The staff that banned you: @ Cashew Reason for ban: Ban evasion, copying builds, server disrespect, general nuisance Proof against the ban: I am only appealing because of the copying the server builds as that lead it to a perm ban, with this i run a very large team...
  4. Tango

    Completed city to creative

    Creative plot: /plot home 2 City plot: Balishop2 city to creative
  5. Tango

    Completed creative to city

    Creative plot: -39:33 City plot: cityplot1 creative to city
  6. Tango

    Completed city to creaative

    Creative plot: /plot home 2 City plot: sky120 city to creaative
  7. Tango

    Denied Arch app boi

    1. What is your username? TangoHD 2. What is your server rank? (do /ar check) Citizen 3. Do you have a discord account? (Yes | No | Willing to make one) Yes tangoman#7281 4. What builds would you like to submit? (/plot home <number>) /plot home 1 /plot home 2 (There is a complete country uk...
  8. Tango

    Completed creative to city

    Username: TangoHD Creative plot: /plot home 6 ID: -37;44 City Plot: h57 creative to city
  9. Tango

    Completed city to creative

    Username: TangoHD Creative plot: /plot home 6 ID: -37;44 City Plot: h57 city to creative
  10. Tango

    Completed creative to city

    Username: TangoHD Creative plot: /plot home 7 City Plot: cityplot1 creative to city
  11. Tango

    Completed city to creative

    Username: TangoHD Creative plot: /plot home 6 ID: -36;44 City Plot: cityplot1 city to creative
  12. Tango

    Case Closed Law Suit

    I loaned David 175K I tried to contact him on discord but no response he is past his payment day i am suing him for the money to be given back to me contact me on discord if you need the book.
  13. Tango

    Well then lads.

    Alrighty peoples. I am leaving this server for a while for reasons im not going to expain to you here. I will be selling all my e-chest items msg me if intrested there all rare. I want e8 to goto @RachyHorse also want hillhouse1 to goto @Lillyeggs and and h48 to @TorchoTichy and alj-penthouse...
  14. Tango

    Case Closed Very mean person ill sue for 1m compensation

    1. Who are you accusing? @FroztyStars 2. What are your claims/accusations? she very mean she perm mute me and unmute me ); 3. Any additional proof you can provide us? i want 1m compennsation
  15. Tango

    Selling Aution for hillhouse1 and e8

    Aution for e8 and hillhouse1 both start at 500k do /find e8 or /find hillhouse1
  16. Tango

    Completed city to creaitve

    ign Tangooo City Plot - e8 Creative Plot - /Plot home 1 2 3 4 5 what ever has space remove plots if needed
  17. Tango

    Completed city to creative pls

    Code: Username: Tangooo Creative plot: plot home 1 plot home 2 plot home 3 plot home 4 remove stuff if needed City plot you want the build moved to: hillhouse1 city to creative pls
  18. Tango

    Completed city to creatives staff peoples

    Username: Tangooo Creative plot: plot home 3 to 4 clear builds if needed City plot : h451 city to creative please ! ;)
  19. Tango

    Completed land lord change please and white house to be regioned for rent

    Username: Tangooo City plot:a91 Rent regions greenhouse yellowhouse orangehouse redhouse change land lords on these above region the white house to be up for rent and set land lord as me thank you and change it to 500 for 7everydays as the region rent price
  20. Tango

    Completed reee city to creative please

    Username: Tangooo Creative plot: plot home 3 or 4 what ever has space City plot you want the build moved to: H733